Chapter 19: All Coming Back

Start from the beginning

Then you couldn't take it anymore. You felt like excusing yourself as they have their talk. "If you don't mind . . . will you-excuse me for a moment? I think I need some time to think."

Shiva sent you a nod, meaning she understood what you were feeling. She gestured the male to come with her, somewhere meters off space, but as she was doing so Cloud turned his head to you for a while, his ice blue eyes locking with yours for a few seconds before turning back and following the goddess.

You were grateful that you've stopped in this realm. The galaxy was at least serene and breathtaking, allowing you to not worry about anything, including this. Taking a deep breath, you decided of thinking about other things.


The memory sent a longing feeling. Now was actually just the time you've thought of him again, and it made you feel guilty for feeling like this. I'm sorry, Noct, you thought. To be honest, I never thought that I'd be dragged into this. None of this-everything-I never thought they'll happen.

You stared out toward the endless skies of space.

Don't worry. We'll find each other again. I'll come back to you, soon enough. I promise that.


"These things you'll ever hear about you are what I only know of, or I should say what I've heard of."

"It's fine. As long as I take one of my memories back."

Shiva looked at him for a few seconds, squaring her shoulders. "Well, I shouldn't be doing this-telling someone who doesn't know who he is about his life. Because you know that my aim here was to find (Y/N), but you're lucky to have an Astral tell this to you."

"You seem normal now, though," Cloud told her. "I kind of . . . think you resemble (Y/N) a little."

The goddess let out an amused laugh. "That's a natural way of passing down the beauty." he smiled, then it faded, now turned into a serious one. "Here it goes, then . . ."

Cloud nodded, taking a deep breath. He knew this would be it. Finding out who he was.

Shiva's eyes seemed to gleam. ". . . Back when you were in Gaia, you lived with your friends. You had a family, not biologically, but you valued them, cared for them. A girl, Tifa Lockhart-you've known each other since childhood. Your childhood memories though, I don't know. But moving on, you also had friends-Zack, the one you actually cared for the most. Then there goes Vincent, Red XIII, and others. There are also children . . . Marlene and Denzel. You care for them, too. And I can say they're grown up already, given the years that had passed."

He tried to collect it in his thoughts, making sure he would at least remember the names Shiva mentioned, although unfortunately he didn't feel anything familiar with them. Then he asked, "What happened before I've waken up, not remembering anything?"

The Glacian's eyes shifted to you from a distance, then back to him. "Are you sure you wanna know why you had amnesia?"

"Yes," he answered eagerly. Besides, he thought, is there even anything to lose?

"Listen, Cloud Strife. I know I shouldn't be telling this to you, especially what I'm about to tell you. . . the reason of your sudden loss of memories, is involved with-well, I cannot mention the goddess' name. She can practically hear everything once you mention her."

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