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Luna is the same age as Natalia just to clear some things...

Natalia stared out the window wondering what Hermione and Ron were doing?Were they even think about her while she was stuck in this hell hole? What were the twins, Luna, Blaise and Draco doing? So many thoughts ran through her head as she sat playing with the orange fire that helped her destroy Quirrell.

She asked Madame Pomfrey about it and she explained that it was called Soul Magic and the Ministry of Magic banned it due to how dangerous it was. When Natallia asked what happened to someone who activated it Madame Pomfrey answered that the Ministry sealed it which she then continued to explain caused the one who's Flames were sealed more damage than good.

Natalia begged Madame Pomfrey not to tell the Headmaster because she didn't want her Flames sealed away before she even knew about it. Natalia stopped playing with the flames and grabbed the book on Soul Magic she bought just yesterday.

Yes her marks were average at best when it came to her magic but that was because nobody even bothered to try and explain. They just expected her to know things of the bat. Natalia went and did some research on the subject of Soul Magic and found out that there was aspects of it based of colour.

Green were called Lightning Flames which was used to Hardening things. Unfortunately they usually had a superiority complex and were extremely lazy which just so happened to be George who thank god didn't have the superiority complex. Rain Flames which brought Tranquillity. They almost always had a happy go luck attitude towards others and that fit Fred to the T.

Dark Red were Storm Flames which brought Disintegration to what was wanted. Their respect was hard earned but when you had it, it was impossible to get rid of them and they were also the Right hand man to the Sky. She and Draco may have gotten off on the wrong foot in the beginning but when she showed that she could think for herself without the the help of Hermione and Ron he started respecting her as her own person.

A Sunny Yellow was Sun Flames which was used for Activation. The book said Sun Flames were usually very loud and outgoing. She still needed one but she was patient and could wait.

The Violet was called Cloud Flames which was used for Propagation but the book said normal behaviour of a Cloud was to take control of a certain area which then becomes their 'territory'. Oh the fights she and Blaise got into about territory.

Indigo was called Mist Flames and was used for Construction. They loved to cause chaos in their wake. Luna, sweet innocent Luna was one hell of a girl when angered. And last but not least was the Orange ones which was the rarest because they were called Sky Flames. The were like the glue that kept the other elements safe and provided a safe haven. This was called Harmonisation. Natalia was just glad that she had most of her Gaurdians as it was put.

And Natallia's Flame was a Sky, one of the most sought after in The Underworld in Italy. So here she was doing small things to get control over her Flames completely unaware of what was happening outside at this very moment. She closed her eyes for a short moment only to fall asleep.


"Rain, you in position?" Came the voice over the com links. Rain sighed watching the girl through the binoculars. "Yes I am. Target is alone by the looks of it." He said looking to the side were Cloud sat watching the house with a predatory smile, the bloodlust radiating of his form. "What's the targets position?" Asked the voice. "Second floor, left window." Rain said. "Wait for my signal." The voice said. "Your taking to long, Omnivore." Cloud snapped and went in without back up.


"Shit!" Storm cursed looking at Sky and Arcobaleno Sun. "Rain, Cloud, abort mission! I repeat! Abort Mission!" Storm yelled. Arcobaleno Sun glared at him. "Fuck this shit! I'm going in!" He said running towards the house joining Cloud and busting through the door. He smirked at the startled looks the Dursley's were giving him.

"Honey, I'm home!" The horse faced twit paled when she saw who it was. "R-R-renato..." she stuttered sweating heavily. Reborn smirked ferally, fedora shadowing his eyes. "Missed me, Aunt Petunia." He purred at her. "Pet, who's this?" The walrus in a mustache asked shakily.

Reborn's eyes glinted dangerously. "Oh... She didn't tell you?" He askes mock sympathetically before smiling sadistically. "Name's Renato Sinclair and I'm her nephew. Oh and this is Hibari Kyoya."

Said man bared his teeth in a silent snarl. "For disturbing the peace I shall bite you to death." Hibari snarled making the people pass out. Reborn actually pouted. "Mou, I wanted to play with them." He said disappointedly before marching up the stairs.

The house was too ordinary for Reborn's taste. It looked like something from those old black and white movies. He looked down the hall and saw one of the doors closed with a lot of locks and... wait was that a fucking catflap?

Oh how he really wanted to kill the bloody Dursley's now. He glanced at Hibari and nodded to him. That was the door of Natallia's room. Reborn unlocked (read: destroyed) every lock on the door and walked into the room.

Reborn sneered at the state of the room. There was a closet against the wall next to the door that had seen better days. A small rickety table standing on its last leg. Broken toys littered the room like forgotten memories. Reborn's eyes wandered to the bed and what he saw had him seeing red.

Natallia laid curled up in a fatal postion shivering from the cold. The clothes she wore couldn't even count as that for they were rags. Bruises littered her frame from what Reborn could see. Hibari pushed past him and froze when he saw the girl. She wasn't even 12 and yet she was to small for her age.

"Get her things, Reborn." He said and went to pick up the girl frowning at how light she was as he walked out of the room. Hibari made a promise to himself at that moment he would protect and nurture the little animal.

Reborn quickly gathered her things and assumed her school things were under the stairs. Sighing he walked out the room keeping a tight leash on his anger as to not kill the Dursley's. Tsuna is not going to like this, Reborn thought watching Hibari carefully.

A car was waiting in the driveway of the home as they came out the house. Ryohei got out the car and opened the door. He frowned hard when he saw the small child in Hibari's arms and Reborn behind him.

"This her?" He questioned seriously for once not yelling. Reborn nodded from where he was putting the trunk in the car's boot. "Yes, that is her." He said and got on the car. Ryohei shook his head. The poor girl didn't even know how much she was going to get spoiled by the Familigia.

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