Chapter 23

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                        Chris pov.

Damn this morning Briland told me she think she pregnant and I took that shit serious so we at the doctors right now.

Doctor: Well your definitely pregnant so congratulations.

Me: Well is there anything wrong.  it's just one baby right? not no damn twins, triplets or anything.??!?

Briland hits my chest.

Briland: Shut the hell up fool. she said to me.

The doctor laughs.

Doctor: Well it's twins and what I can see your three weeks pregnant.  And what's weird is that you haven't had any regular symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness so I will have to look into that because I find that strange..But other wise your good you can come back in a few weeks for a check up and if you would like to know the sex of the babies.

The Doctor says to Briland and smiling at both of us.

Briland: Thank you. she said to the Doctor.

From there we walked out the doctors office to the car.

Briland: So are you mad that it's twins?  She said to me

Me: No ma. But you hungry? I said to her

Briland: Okay and yes I taste for some taco bell. she said back

Me: Aight but when you get a few more weeks you ain't gonna be eating this junk. I said to her with a straight face.

Briland:  Um the babies want what they want. She said to me laughing as we pulled into taco bell.

Me: We eating inside?  I asked her.

Briland: Yeah why not. she said back.

We went up to the register and the lady said "What can I get for you?" not even paying Briland any attention.

Briland:  Well we will both have a number three. And two large cups that says No hoes aloud. Thanks.

Briland said before I could say another word. I just laughed and the lady rolled her eyes and said $20.95 I gave her the money and me and Briland went and got our drinks. After we got our food we sat down and started talking about the babies. Then my phone started ringing I glanced at it and saw it was Jamel so I picked it up.

Jamel: Man get the fuck back someone just shot up your fucking house. They almost got to Leon but I shot em in the fucking head and the others got away.

Me: Aw shit aight man I'm on my way.

I hung up the phone got Briland and headed home.

Briland: Chris what the fuck is going on?

Me: Somebody just shot up the house ma.

Briland: What the fuck?  Is Leon Okay?

Me: Yeah ma but as soon as we get home I need you to go and start finding houses In New Orleans. Briland nodded her head.

I got a trap down there too right now we in Baltimore but I ain't trying to get my next house shot up I know I shouldn't move to another place with a drug game but this is what I do for a living.

Soon enough we arrived back at home. Briland ran into the house to Leon. And started packing all of our stuff. I sat down and started talking to Jamel about what happend.

Me: Alright man so what the fuck happend here?

Jamel: Aight so me and Leon was sitting on the couch chillin , When all of the sudden the windows and shit start getting shot up. I took Leon and ran to the basement with him. I went back upstairs and started shooting. Then this nigga with all black and a face mask on came up with Leon in his arms with a knife by his neck. From there it was a stand off and I shot him in the head and Leon ran to me.

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