Chapter 9

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                       Briland pov.

It's the next morning and Chris was still sleeping. I got fully on top of home and started kissing his neck.

"Don't start something you can't finish." Chris said in his sleepy voice, I just giggled and pecked his lips with my morning breath cause I knew he would get mad "Girl you know we got morning breath that's just nasty." he said and I laughed. I rubbed my hand through the waves on his head and said "you want breakfast?" I said in my sweet voice "mm yes" he said in his sleepy voice with his eyes still closed I sucked on his neck then whisperd in his ear "then go make it." I said laughing and getting up walking to the bathroom "Ima get you for that ma just wait!" he said to me "uh huh whatever." I got in the shower and did my hygiene routine and then got out the shower 20mins later..Chris ass was still laying in bed so I decided to tease him. I walked out the bathroom in my towel and dried off right in front of him because I knew he was staring at me. So I got dressed and put on my ripped dyed high top shorts and a white crop top with my white niki shoes and I out a little makeup on and my hair in a ponytail with my bangs flat ironed in front. I looked in the mirror and I was looking good. Then I looked at Chris and he was dead staring at me I giggled cause when I looked down he had a little friend. "Ya might wanna go take care of that little friend you got there Chris." I said laughing and leaving out the room. I went to the guest room and saw Red still sleep so I jumped on the bed saying "Wakey wakey bish. " I said laughing "shut the fuck up hoe and get out." she said back to me I laughed and dragged her ass off the bed. "I'm serious Girl get up I'm going to get all my stuff from my mama house today so we can drop you off at your house and I can get my car too." I said to red "Alright bish I'll be down in 20." red said.  so I went downstairs and watched some tv waiting for Chris and red. Chris came down looking good as hell he had on some true religion jeans and a black t-shirt and a diamond in his ear and black Nike shoes. "You staring pretty hard there ma."  Chris said smiling hard, I looked down and started blushing. 20mins later Red came down and we left. We pulled up at Reds house and my car windows were busted out, the car tires were sliced open and the leather inside was all slashed up. There was a note on the staring wheel that read " This won't be the last time bitch I'm coming for you and that nigga you been with.......Jaylen " ...I started to tear up but I didn't let the tears fall I was pissed but sad at the same time. Chris came up to me and took the note out my hand and read it.

Chris: Briland what does little bitch have with you?

Me: He's.....He's my ex.

Chris: Oh hell no!!!! Chris yelled.

Chris: Briland come on I don't know what this nigga up to. and Red be safe.

Red went into her house and locked all the doors and windows. We left for my mamas house as soon as Red told us she was safe. We were infront of my mama house I seen her boyfriends car so I said "Chris stay in the car her boyfriend here." "Why so he can put his hands on you again, Hell no." Chris said to me "Okay fine" I said to Chris me and Chris went into the house and my mom's boyfriend was sitting on the couch so I ran upstairs to pack all of my stuff while Chris stayed downstairs making sure my mom's boyfriend didn't try anything.....A half an hour later I had 4 suitcases filled and ready to go. Chris helped me carry them to the car and as we where loading up.. BOOM...BOOM...BOOM somebody tried shooting me and missed twice but shot me right in the thigh... I fell on the ground crying in pain, Chris picked me up and put me in the car and drove to the hospital before I lost to much blood......


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