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The Other Man

Let's make it the best of times,
The worst of all the crimes,
If they heard the truth,
It'll blew their mind,
Cause I had a feeling-
And you are the reason.

Let's make some lies,
Through out the day,
Isn't good but nice,
Bitter shade of gray,
Cause I had a feeling,
It's an act of a treason.

Leave a red mark-
On the date we have start,
Remember it all too well,
But we forget it ourselves,
A blessing and a curse;
The first of many firsts,
On the date we fell apart-
Shot me right to my heart.

I don't have the right baby,
I'm just the other man,
But I keep myself on fighting,
But my heart says 'I cant',
A year remains as a mystery,
Thinking 'bout the day,
When you first saw me,
Cause I'm just the other man,
Just the other one.

I'm running too fast,
Too sharp for an eye,
You could heard the blast,
Then I hit to your edgy sides,
My castles crumbling,
Bricks fall down over me,
This love is a treason,
Never have the right to win.

Honey, I'm just the other man,
Living in this gray, old town,
Remember the date,
When you first saw me,
But a turn of our fate,
You would never see me,
Cause I don't need to be cruel,
I am just the other man,
But I need to do this,
Just to save my heart,
All that was left was a memory,
Making a part of my history.

I was crying,
Being the other man,
I was dying,
Being the other one,
All you need to say,
Is a lonely goodbye,
To your other man.

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