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Sad, Beautiful Tragic

Watching trains go by,

People keep passing by


I kept on asking why,

if I did things that wasn't right.

I'm still wide awake at eleven,

Finding out where have you been,

And those things in my head - they lie,

Maybe old things couldn't be alright.

Said you'll comeback for me,

But months gone by,

Did you have something left for me?

Reading those conversation of us,

Cause this love could ever last,

All I can hear is the cold air singing:

Its a sad, beautiful tragic -

but I didn't believe it.

I'm just walking on lifeless streets,

But the pain I felt,

I just hide it beneath,

Look up and see the pitch blacked skies,

Reminiscing memories for a while.

Said you'll comeback for me,

But months gone by,

Slowly loosing me,

Reading those conversation of us,

Still hoping this love could last,

All I can hear was the cold air singing:

Its a sad, beautiful tragic,

And I almost believe it.

Say you'll comeback,

Just like the movies,

To make things fine,

You tell your feelings.

And I hold it and on,

Those words I can't let go,

but I still believe in you...

Said you'll comeback for me

But years gone by,

Nothing left for me,

Deleting conversation of us,

Cause this love ends so fast,

All I can hear was the cold air singing,

It's a sad, beautiful tragic,

And sadly - I believe it.

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