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I Try My Best

Sadly I try my best,
To ace all of your tests,
I dance with my hands tied,
Fixing myself with a broken smile,
I give you the brightest star,
But you demanded for the world,
I give you my sun and moons that rise,
But you choose to throw it out.

I try my best,
But you always see it least,
I try every time to try,
But my hopes ended up died,
Maybe I'm not the other half of your heart,
Or maybe my edges doesn't fit to your part,
Maybe I should go home now,
Go straight to my bed,
Pat the fluffiest of my cats,
Somehow the pain have gone.

And I'll never try again,
Or else I end up in pain,
I won't let my heart died,
But I know at least, I try

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