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It's Time To Go

The old me has died many months ago,
Just the body but ain't my soul,
Still claiming for you to own,
Longing for your jokes I used to laugh,
Missing your head in between my lap,
But maybe this time,
I need to go.

Wonder how many times I tried to reach you,
Seems a star in the skies hung against the deep blue,
The higher the jump,
the greater I fall,
Longer the nights my phone waited for your call,
Make up a smile to hide the pain inside,
Tell I'm fine even how many times I've died.

It's time to go,
to laid on my rest,
Dreaming off the sweet of your kiss,
Six months was done and feelings should gone,
It's time to go,
to be rest in peace,
Buried down with memories I've missed,
Someday we will meet again but not this one.

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