Chapter 3 - Tongue Tied

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Parker knew Elli had to work and her days were always long, she had a rough class that day according to her text to Parker earlier so he wanted to have a better movie night. Elli can be kind of a hopeless romantic and she's showed him on more than one occasion pictures she's come across with a couple having a movie night where they had a fort and fairy lights set up. She's always thought they were really cute and Parker decided that that's how he'd ask her out if he ever got the nerve. So, here he is with Collyn, the two fo them rushing to set everything up before Elli gets home from her shift.

Once the living room is set up and all of the snacks are set up, all of which are Elli's favorites, Collyn leaves, leaving Parker to himself. Elli's due home within a few minutes but Parker's heart is thundering in his chest and in his ears. He thinks she likes him, too but he's never asked and she's never said anything. As far as he knows, Elli's never told Collyn anything, it's purely based off his assumptions and he's hoping he's right.

Deep down, it's been bouncing around his head for a little while now. He's known he's liked Elli but he's always sat in a state of denial because it was easier and it was too soon for him. Just moving to the states for school and starting the first year of college, he wasn't in any position to start something. Plus, Parker's a firm believer that friendships before relationships are important but now it's been about a year and last night, Elli fell asleep on his shoulder while they watched an older movie. Her arm was stretched across his torso and her hand gripped his t-shirt and Parker's heart fluttered. Butterflies exploded in his stomach and he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. She was peaceful and he was comfortable with her sleeping on him and that made him realize that he didn't just like you as a friend. He adored you and you are his best friend, but there is so much there, so many unsaid things and he's ready to admit them.

Of course, he's worried that maybe asking her out will ruin their friendship and/or their roommate situation but he also feels like since they've been friends a little over a year and Elli isn't the type of person to ice someone out over feelings. She's one of the most understanding and kindhearted people Parker has ever met so it's a little reassuring as he paces back and forth and goes over what he's going to say.

"Elli....I like you." Parker mutters. "No, that's lame." He whispers to himself. "You're my best friend and I don't wanna ruin anything and this is going to go to shit and words. Why am I so bad at words? I'm a musician. I write music for fuck's sake." Parker groans, hand running over his face as the other falls on his hip, frustrated with himself.

What's he gonna say? How is gonna tell Elli? Should he actually tell her? Or should he just wait for the right moment and ask if he can kiss her? That's never gone horribly for anyone, right? And it's kind of romantic so Elli should like it. Elli is his best friend, basically his other half, if asking anyone out should be easy, it should be Elli but instead, it's just putting more and more pressure on Parker's shoulders. He just wants it to be perfect. 

The lock of the door clicks and Parker's heart goes from thundering to completely silent. He holds his breath and his mouth goes completely try as he waits for Elli to enter the home. It's only then that he really starts worrying about her saying no. What if she really doesn't like him back? What if this is all for nothing?

"Parker!" Elli chimes once the door is open and she sees Parker standing in front of the table.

"Hey, Elli." Parker gives her a bashful smile, cheeks red.

"What're you doing?" She asks and she's beaming like the sun on the first day of spring.

"Just, nothing." Parker says and he could kick himself for the response.

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