Why they kidnapped Ann

Start from the beginning

"So, this is the apartment of the Nine-tails?" Kisame walked around the apartment. "Doesn't look like it," He stated as he traced the almost broken cabinets.

(Author's Note: Remember the time, when Ann ate too much Candy with Naruto. And she kicked open the cabinet's because she was trying to find more candy.)

"Are you sure this is the apartment?" I walked around as well. Entering the bedroom, I couldn't really tell if this was the Nine-tail's room.

I walked towards the closet.

If this was the Nine-tail's room, there should be his clothes, right? The typical orange jumpsuit.

I opened the closet, surprised to see that it was a bit dusty.

No one has probably been living here for a while.

I looked towards the bed.

No, then that would mean the bed should be dusty as well.

I walked towards the bed, and lightly tapped it.

It's clean. Meaning there is a person staying here now, but wasn't here before. Or maybe, this person just came back after a few years.

I narrowed my eyes.

Who could that be?

"Itachi, check this out," Kisame mused, making me turn to him.

"What is it?" I questioned, blankly.

He held out a Kimono, the exact design of the Akatsuki was on it as well. Though, to say the least, the Kimono looked like it was never even used once. Dust was clearly seen.

Meaning, this was made years ago. And the owner is staying here now. But the Akatsuki wasn't formed that long ago.

So it means... the owner of this Kimono probably knew we would be formed, from that long ago.

How is that possible?

"Give it to me, Kisame." I caught it single-handedly as he threw it at me. I observed its features.

It's slightly small, I'm guessing this is a child's or a really small adult. It could be either.

It's also dusty, though still brand new looking, making my theory more believable.

"Itachi, someone's coming," Kisame informed as he switched off the lights.

The doorknob of the front door shook slightly. The door then opened, and I heard the voice of a girl, probably the age of 12-13.

"Finally I'm home--"

She was cut off by the sight of me, a stranger...

No, wait...

Ahh, I see... It's you.

Her eyes widened.

"Welcome home, Ann.." My eyes had a hard gaze. I could see it's making Ann uncomfortable.

She staggered back. "Uchiha Itachi?!" She stuttered, in a tone of fear and shock. So she does remember me, that's good. Kisame closed the front door, making her flinch a bit.

He came up from behind her, letting out a deep chuckle, "Careful, kid. Samehada could rip you to pieces, you know."

The sword was then in front of her neck in a matter of seconds.

"Explain this." I took out the Kimono from behind me.

She gulped. "That's mine..?" She stated, unsure. For a while, she looked completely clueless. That was until her eyes widened.

"It's quite surprising, really," I stated. "This was customized years ago.. before the Akatsuki was even formed. The fact that you have almost the same design as ours..."

Kisame leaned down to her height, "It's quite surprising."

She bit her lip and kept quiet.

"Not gonna talk?" I questioned. I then glared, "Fine."

I stared up at Kisame, "Take her."

A deep chuckle escaped him as he lifted her upon his shoulder.

She immediately started banging on his back. "Let me go!! Pedophile!!" she yelled.

As she was raging, we both quickly teleported out of her apartment as to not let anyone notice. And we immediately head on into the woods.

"HELP!!" She screamed as she thrashed around.


Her head came in contact with a random branch, making her fall unconscious.

"Foolish child."

I mentally facepalmed while Kisame chuckled.

Ann's POV
"HEY!!! I WILL SUE YOU!! I HAVE A LAWYER, YA KNOW!!" I thrashed around, making the chains on my feet and hands make a clanking sound.

Ya might be wondering where I'm at, and to tell you the truth. I have no idea!

I'm guessing... the Akatsuki base?


"Shut it, Brat! We don't care about your freaking lawyer!!" Sasori grumbled with a displeased look on his face.

He turned towards Itachi. "Why the hell did you bring her here?!" He gritted his teeth, angrily.

I smirked, and winked, making him express disgust. "Well, maybe if you got out of your puppet, we could get to know each other.~" I suggested, still winking.

"What did you say, Brat?!!?!"

Pein's POV
"Are you sure, Kisame?" I questioned.

He nodded, "Itachi said the girl suddenly disappeared a few years ago and never returned since."

"That is.. until she just suddenly returned?" I questioned.

"We were supposed to look through the Nine-Tail's room, but got mixed up with her room instead."

I sighed, "Meaning you didn't get more information about him."

I gave him a hard stare. "At least, you were able to get something useful. You're dismissed." I waved my hand in a shooing motion.

Kisame bowed slightly and left the room.

I placed the Kimono on my desk, and lightly traced it with my fingers.

Ann Yamada...

What is it that lives inside of you?

(Oshiete Oshiete yo sono shikumi wo..)

A slightly crazed grin came to my features.

Could it be...

A Tailed Beast?

I smirked, "I guess you could be useful to us, Ann."


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