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It's been a month since kirishima confessed to me

Things haven't changed between us

We still act like friends even though every time I see him he's allways blushing now

I walked to class then took my seat

I took out my phone and started scrolling through some anime ship pictures on Google

Soon the class started

"This Isn't my choice so blame your head master" aizawa sensei said

We all looked confused

"Well as you know Christmas is coming up so your headmaster has disided to have a dance. You can go alone or with someone or you don't have to go at all. I really don't care" aizawa sensei continued

"That's so normal!" Some people in the class shouted

'Eh do I really have to hold hands with a boy! There hands are allways so sweaty and disgusting. But I don't really have to go right' I thought

"Now that's over with..." aizawa sensei said finally starting the lesson

(At break)

"Hi y/n" I heard an excited mina say as I put my stuff away

"Hi" I said looking up at her

"So who are you taking to the dance?"

"Eh I wasn't really wanting to go"

"Come on you have to go... hmm how about if you go I'll bring you to an anime store in the next town"

"Eh... in that cause I'll go but you have to promise " I said grining then holded out my pinkie

"I promise " she said locking her finger with mine

"So who you taking?" She asked again

"Eh I'm not sure. I might just go by myself"

"Come on. How about..." she said as she looked around the room

"... todoroki!"

"Eh no it would just be weird going with a friend, anyway I better go" I said trying to escape her

I walked out of the class room and tryed to find Somewere so I could read some manga

(After school)

All day mina has been trying to make me go with someone

The truth is I couldn't chose between the 4 boys I had a bit of a crush on

I walked back to the dorms alone trying to think who I should go with

' I'll probably make izuku inbarrised if I ask him. And katsuki will probably start shouting at me for no good reason. Shoto... Well he would either say no or just say ok. And kiri he would probably say yes but be inbarrised I picked him...*sigh* Who should I pick!?' I thought

"Ah this would be so much easier if they were one of my husbands" I moad to myself

I looked around and saw a lot of eyes on me

My face turned red realising I said that out loud

So I started walking faster

I mean what would you do if you said that out loud

I soon got to the dorm and shut the door behind me

I sighed then turned around

"Y/n Your back come with me!" Mina said walking out of the shadows then took my hand and dragged me to her room

burning love (reader X bakugo X midoriya X todoroki X kirishima) Where stories live. Discover now