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The next day I was asleep in my bed intill I was distributed from my slumber by a knock at the door

*knock knock*

"Who could that be?" I moaned to myself

I tryed to get out of bed but my hand slipped and I fell on the floor "ahhh" I screamed

The door burst open and I looked up to see kirishima

"Y/n are you ok?" He asked with a worried look on his face

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just clumsy sometimes... sorry"

"Here" he held out his hand to help me up

I took it

"Thanks kirishima " I said rubbing the back of my head

Kirishima was blushing and he looked very deep in his thoughts

"You ok kiri?" I said waving my hand in front of his face

"Yeah I'm fine..." he said with a happy face on "wait a minute did you just call me kiri"

"Well I like giving nicknames to people I like. If you don't like it. then I can keep with kirishima if you want"

"No no it's fine... it is really cute " he said the last part quietly

"So what did you want?"

"Oh me and bakubro are going to the arcade and were wondering if you wanted to come, we can show you a bit of the town aswell"

"Yeah that sounds awesome. I haven't been in an arcade in forever. Ever since-"

My mind went back to the last time I was in one

I rember kids from my class beating me up saying I was so different

"Ever since what?" Kirishima asked me knocking me out of my thoughts

"Eh never mind" I told him

"Ok... I'll let you get changed and we will be down stairs ok"

"Yeah see you in a couple of minutes kiri"

And then he left shutting the door as he left

I got a plain top with my sonic the hedgehog hoodie on top , leaving it open. some black legings and I put on my overwatch shoes

You can probably tell I really like sonic and over watch 😋

Then I headed down stairs

"There's y/n let's go" bakugo said

"Right" kirishima said

Then the three of us walked to the arcade

"You know you didn't have to dress up like that" Bakugo said as we walked

"What's wrong with this? It's the only clothes I had that weren't showing to much skin or weren't anime related" I told him

Kirishima and bakugou both blushed when I said about the skin

We soon got there

"What do you want to go on first y/n?" Kirishima asked

"Hm... *gasp* I know come on" I said then took kirishima's hand

I brought him to a gun shooting game

"You want to play this?" They both asked

"Yeah I love shooting games there so much fun!" i started fan girling over the game

burning love (reader X bakugo X midoriya X todoroki X kirishima) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ