' Nope definitely three,' Emily snickered, smirking in an extremely irritating way.  Ellie opened her mouth to retort, but closed it again on the sight of Seth glaring at her. She settled for sulking moodily.

' That's what I thought,' said Emily smugly. ' Anyway, we need you to fix this.'

     She held up a mash of tangled metal and rubber. It wasn't distinguishable as an object.

' And quickly, I need to use it.' Emily finished, pursing her glossy lips. 

Ellie stared at her in disbelief. ' You want me to,' she said slowly, making sure she had it right. ' Fix, this?'

Kai spoke for the first time since Ellie had been in the room. ' Are you thick or something? Actually, don't answer that, we all know you are,' He laughed loudly, obviously proud of his joke. ' Of course we want you to fix it,' Kai grinned, evidently trying not to laugh. ' After all, you said yourself, you were "happy to help the family!"' he said in a bad impression of a girls voice.

     Ellie fought the urge to make a very rude gesture, restraining herself only because Seth was watching her every move intently. 'There's this thing, called sarcasm,' she muttered, not loud enough to be heard. 'Fine.' She resigned, staring at the floor dejectedly. ' What's it supposed to be?'

' A bike. A good bike, at that.' Kai sighed, glaring at Emily. ' And if a certain someone hadn't crashed it sneaking back from Shellies, then it wouldn't be in this mess.'

   Emily huffed and threw the pile of metal and rubber at Ellies feet, which it hit. Painfully. ' Fix it,' She whispered as menacingly as she could before stalking out of the room, shortly followed by Kai.

    Ellie rolled her eyes.

' Don't smirk, you little brat,' Seth growled, looking at Elllie as though she was a blemish upon his italian loafers. 'Now, you will have this done by 9AM, and if you don't do so,' he paused, clenching his hands dramatically. ' I promise you, you will regret it.'

      And with that he followed his childrens lead, and stormed out the room, probably to carry on sleeping.

     As soon as she was sure he was out of hearing range, she kicked the shapeless bike as hard as she could cutting her foot in the process. Ignoring the angry red liquid that sprang from it, she started to pace. How in the bloody hell was she supposed to fix this? She'd been given a lot of ridiculous tasks to do from the Sharp family before, of course, but this took the cake. 

     After about ten minutes of prodding the wreck and whispering curses at it, she decided it'd be best to make a start if she wanted to be fed some times this year.But the question was, where did she begin? She didn't know what to use, except maybe money to buy a new one- which she never had.

      She was torn from her frustrating thoughts by a quiet tapping noise. She paused her inner monologue, and listened. Tap tap. It sounded close. Could someone be knocking on the Sharp familys' door this early on a sunday morning? For their sake Ellie hoped not. Still better to be sure.

     She stood up and walked over to the door. Standing on tiptoes, she looked through the peephole. There didn't seem to be anyone standing there. Probably just the wind, she thought.

    When she was walking away, there the noise came again. Curiousity got the better of her, and she unlocked the door.

      When she opened it, again, there didn't seem to be anyone there. Biting her lip, she peered around the door frame. There wasn't anything close enough to hit the door from the calm breeze streaming in through the door.

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