Getting home

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So after your completely uneventful day at work you finally got to go home, which would be great if home was amazingly spectacular, but it's not.

Your "home" was a small two bedroom one bath apartment in the weirdest apartment complex ever.

But the landlord was cool with almost anything so that was good.

After you had unlocked your car door to leave you heard someone shouting your name at the top of their lungs, and after you didn't turn around you heard them running, fast, and towards you.

You were kind of terrified until you were turned around by none other than Eren.

"What is it Eren?" You said.

"Yeah, hey. I was wondering if I could come over and make you some dinner, because I know you won't go out to eat and you suck at cooking."

Well then, "Oh yeah I guess you could come over." You said a little excited. If it wasn't obvious enough you had a crush on your best friend. It was cool because he couldn't tell but he was still a little flirty with you at times.

"O-Okay cool. See y-you then."

Who the hell stutters like that, damn that was cute.

"Okay see you."

And you got in your car and left. The whole way home your cheeks were bright red and you couldn't control your breathing, and your heart was fluttering like a butterfly.

When you arrived at the. Complex you saw Eren waiting for you by the entrance.

"How the hell-"

"Don't worry about it." He winked and cut you off.

Your cheeks got insanely hot and you just walked by him and straight into the elevator. He blushed when your hands brushed on the way in.

Oh my god do that again it was adorable. After you thought that you stared at the side of his face as if you were trying to remember it. He noticed and his cheeks became a shade darker.

After the elevator reached your floor you practically ran to your door, and left Eren to chase after you. You quickly open the door and almost slam it in his face but he got inside in time.

"(Y/N), what's wrong." He instinctively reached up and grabbed your face.

You look away as his hand holds your cheek. You lean into his hand before realizing what you were doing. After you realized you jumped out of his grasp, and his face softened but also became sad.

"N-Nothing's wrong. Just make me my food okay?" Your cheeks were probably bright red but you didn't really care, you actually wanted your food right now.

"Okay." He grinned.

God dammit that grin, God I want to make out with you right now.

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