At work

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So you had plenty of people getting eaten to get you through the ride, and when you got off you ran to the restroom and began





But they weren't fictional to you, they were people, and trying to explain that to your friends was just too hard.

You clean up and start walking when you trip UP THE MOTHERFUCKING STAIRS




After getting the most pitiful stares one person could ever receive you continue up the stairs with a look of death plastered on your face.

When you open the door to your office, which was a glass door that closed you into your not so sound proof office, you shut it hard and fast.

You groaned at the sight of about a foot of paper sat on your desk.

Oh joy filing.

Just as you sit down you realize someone has entered your office, you stopped and did not want to look up, "Maybe they will go away if I don't move."

"(Name) it's me"

You sigh and look up to see your best friend.

You did not want to see your best friend.

Because as soon as you saw their amazing, and trusting eyes you literally snapped.

You broke down and started sobbing.

Your friend rushed over and comforted you the best they could. Which was just stroking your back awkwardly, but they hummed a lullaby from when you were kids, which helped loads.

You stopped crying and leaned into their shoulder.

"Oh my god (Name) stop flirting with me!"

They said sarcastically

You retorted with the classic, "You first" and a burst of laughter.

After your outburst your friend did not ask what was wrong because they knew about the show and how it hurt.

So after you guys made terrible Marco puns that weren't HALF bad you explained that you had to file.

As they left your mind wandered down a rabbit hole and wondered what it would be like to be in a world filled with giants that wanted to eat you.

You're mind quickly climbed out of that hole and focused on filing.

Which you got done just as the clock struck 2:00 and you were allowed to leave.

Oh joy.

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