Chapter 19:Dinner

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"Robi and Beca!!!!!"- Ok we know those Voice its our cousin Chantal and Ace they are twins and they are 8 old.

"They are  beautiful! Are they your girlfriends?"- Chantal asked while her eyes was stuck on our girl"Hi! Im Chantal Mitchell Oakley. Call me Chan"-

"And I'm Ace Mitchell Oakley"-

"And we are twins!"- They said in Unison and Kissed Chloe and Aubrey to their Cheeks

"Stop the chitchats lets eat dinner"- Mamoo said

"I agree!"- Robi and I agreed

"Hey baby! Be comfortable ok?"- I whispered

"Im already Comfortable Babe.. iloveyou"- She smiled and kissed me to my cheek

Robi and I headed the Kitchen then suddenly we stepped on something. We got hanged Up side down. 

"Chantal and Ace!!!"- We both shouted

"We love you Beca and Robi!"-They said and kiss our Cheeks

"Put us Down! jeez"-Robi said

"Ok? hahahaha"-They said then cut the ropes

*Blag!* we fell

"You taught Chan and Ace to make some traps.  hahahahaha So you better suffer for this "- Paps said

Robi and I stared to each other.


Robi's POV
We are having dinner we have talked for many things.

Aubrey and Chloe are comfortable with our family they were close already to each other specially to our grand parents.

Mamoo keep on saying that we gave them a potion.

While they are talking to each other my eyes was stuck to Aubrey.

She's so beautiful.

She's so Funny at all.

I really love Aubrey Posen.

And i will Love her til end.

"Hey Robi stop staring to my Girl"- Ace Teased me

"Aubrey is my girl Dude! Youre two young for my girl. Youre just 8 years old"-I said he laughed at me

"i told Aubrey to wait me until i grow older"- Ace proudly said

My Eyebrows furrowed this kid was trying to annoy me.

"I bought some Presents for the two of you ."- i said"You cant have yours Ace because youre quarelling me"- i said

"Oh come on Robi! Stop acting like  5 years old"- Beca Scolded me

"Come on im just messing up"- i said then rolled my eyes

"Chloe and Aubrey follow me"-Mamoo said

"Where are you going?"- Beca and i asked

"None of your business."- Mamoo said "lets go"

"Mom wants to bond with your girls. Beca and Robi let them"- Dad said we nodded and we helped paps to wash the dishes.

Chloe's POV
Mamoo called us and we went upstairs.

"You two are amazing and Cool"- Mamoo started the Conversation

We knew her. Of course Beca and Robi keep on telling stories about their grandparents.

This is our first time to go to their house.

"Youre cooler than us Mamoo"-I said

"And Gorgeous as ever"-Aubrey added

"Where are we going?"- I asked

"You'll see "- Mamoo amswered

We are entering the 3rd room.
And then we saw a collection of instruments and paintings.

"Who owned this room Mamoo?"- Aubrey asked

"Beca and Robi owned this. They sing and paint here. They love music and arts that much"-Mamoo stated"The two were very close to each other. They love taking care of each other. They always support each others Dream no matter  what. They may have different personalities but you'll never see them argue that much. "- She added"Maybe they just argue when Robi opens the topic about height hahaha"- The three of us laugh

"You really know them"- i said amusingly

"Im the one who raised them thats why."- She proudly said"Come on lets go to Beca's Room"

We entered the 1st room. And them we saw Beca's 32 inches frame hanging to her walls above her bed. Its our picture having some moment under the tree.

The theme of her room was Black and white. Its not dull to be seen. Her room is well organized. She have a collection of disk her DJ thing was organized. She have a Couch and a coffee table and a bookshelves. The books was arranged according to the Genres.

Theres a picture of me beside her bed. And theres a reserve Bunny slippers in here.


Aubrey's POV
"This is amazing! And cool"- Chloe said

"It is"-Mamoo said"Lets go to Robi's Room"- she said

We entered the 2nd Room.

I wwas shocked when I saw the painting to the wall of Robi's Room its me. Totally me

"Is that me?"- i asked

"Yeah its you"-Mamoo answered"She painted your image when she first saw you"- so she remembered

Damn its beautiful.

Robi has a collections of daggers and Kunais. And theres a Gray couch.

The theme of her room was black and gray.

Mitchell sisters are into Black color.

Theres a piano in here. A shelve of books. amd sketches theres also a reserve bunny slippers here.

Our Mitchell is really amazing and cool.

Robi is weird yet cute and cool.

"Welcome to our family Aubrey and Chloe. Thank you for loving my grandchildren that much. Trust me they have love you so much as you love them. Dont hurt each other ok? Take care of them. They maybe crazy kids but they have a good heart like their father have. Beca and Robi  are not good in memorizing names specially when they are jealous. They are Fragile when it comes to love ones. I like you for them. You've changed them a lot girls. Please never break their hearts because i hate seeing them suffer from the pain.Incase that they have cheated on you tell me and i'll bring them to death ok?"- Mamoo said

"I love Beca that much mamoo i'll promise we'll making this relationship work"-Chloe said

"I love Robi. She's  my first at the same time she will be my last. Because im going to marry her. "- I said

"You two are such an adorable Women. Keep on growing up. Oh btw you can stay to their room anyway this is the duplicates. Again Welcome to the family"- She said them walked out

Me and Chloe stared and gave a hug to each other. Amd we entered to our girls Room.

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