Chapter 6: Jealous Beca

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Beca's POV
"Im bulletproof nothing to lose
far away far away'- I sang while im making some mash ups

Everytime i sing that song. I remember the scene Our Scene in the shower room.

"Hey Beca What ya doin'?'-My sister asked me

"doing some mash ups Robs. Have you seen Chloe?"- I asked

Ok Since then i keep on asking where is my Chloe.

Damn i know she feel the same towards me.

I love her since then.
"Lets go downstairs Beca! Chloe has a hot visitor'-Robi Screamed

"what?! The!? Fuck!?'- I hissed

This cant be. Maybe its her suitor

I ran down the stairs. And Punch that fcking guy on his fcking face.

"Oh theres Beca!'- Fat Amy said Naughtily

"Hi Beca! So Youre Chloe's  Friend"- Oh come on! How to Calm How to Calm."Im Chicago"- he introduced himself

"Yeah! Im Beca effin Mitchell!.. Chloe's Friend the Special One"- I said as i gave him my famous Poker Face"Nice Meeting You Chikito!"-

"Its Chicago"-He Corrected

"Oh! Sorry Chimaro! My sister in not good in memorizing Names"-Robi Said

"The Mitchell sisters are not good in memorizing names When they are ..Hmmmmm!!"- I put my hand to Stacie's mouth and whispered to her ears"shut up"-

"Im asking you guys if Chloe-----"

"we have rehearsals for today!.. "- Saved by Aubrey

"Chicago why are you here!? "-Chloe asked

"I Just want to see you!"- He replied"Flowers for you"-he added

"I can Buy you the whole flower shop"- I murmured

"Thank you but how many time do i have to tell you that stop courting me?"- She said

"Come On just give me a chance"- he begged then hugged my Chloe" chocolates for you"

"is that what you get? I can Buy you not one not two but more than three psssh"- i murmured

"Im in love with someone Chicago and im into girls"- she said seriously

" but!"- He protested

"No more buts Chicago"- She said"Youre busted"- she added

Chimago! Sigh and he get out to the house.

"Goodbye Eggy!"- i whispered

"Chloe! Why'd you rejected Chicago? He is a demi god oh my!"- Emily said while day dreaming

And Me? I walked out

"Hey "-  Thats my Red headed girl

"Hey why'd you leave them there"- I asked

"Nothing"-She Answered

"Why'd you rejected Chikamaru?"- I asked

"Its Chicago Beca"- she corrected me and laughed so hard"Youre really not good in memorizing names"-She added

I stared at her. She still beautiful even though she is laughing so hard.

"why are you staring at me?"- She asked

"Youre Beautiful"- i murmured

"What?"- She asked

"I said yes! Haha "- I answered nervously

"Are you jealous?"- She asked with a smile

"No im not "- i said

"Really?"-She asked again

"No"- I answered

"ok? I thought youre jealous.. hahaha Im gonna be his date tomorrow----"- I cut her off by a kiss

"Im Jealous ok?.. Please dont date him. Date me instead"- I said while Hugging her"Im into you  Chloe Beale so dont you ever dare"- I warned her

"No... Youre not jealous im gonna date him ins----"- i cut her off again by a kiss

"i said im jealous Babe!.. I hate the way he stared at you! I hate the way he smiled at you. Damn it! I want to Punch his Face. Just to get him off to our house"- I said

"Woah! Is that a confessio------ouch!"- i hit Fat Amy's Head with a flying slippers

"I'm into you Beca Mitchell! And im gonna date you!.. "-She said then winked

"You wont regret this Beale!"- i said then let her sit to my lap while making some mash up demos.

"Come on! Dude! Suck Off!"- Here they go again

"Aubrey and Robi are arguing again! Its irritating!"- She Groaned"The same time they are cute. Naughty Robi + Short tempered Aubrey =  crazy Children"-

"We're cuter"- I said then hugged her

"Youre the cutest "- She said

"No you are! hahahaha"- I said..

The night Comes.

While we are eating our dinner.

My friends are kinda weird.

"Stop staring at us jeeez! Its rude"- Chloe groaned

"You two are sweet to each other"- Amy said"Just like- Oh Beca come here im gonna wipe your sweat.. like this blah blah blah!"- She demontrated those things and the bellas started to laugh all over again

"We'll start dating"- i announced

"Finally after 3 fcking years hiding youre feelings towards That red headed woman!"- Jessica

"Babe! Shut up"-Ashley scolded her Girlfriend

"So! Bechloe... Mmmmm Im happy for you both!"- Lilly said

"Your kunai is cool Can i have one?'- My sister is weird tho

Lilly threw some kunai to Robi and i was shocked on how she handled and catched the kunai.

"What the fck! Stop Playing that thing here!"-Cynthia Scolded the two

"In our Country when you play thosw kind of weapon they will think that youre assassins "- Flo stated

"Its cool. Tho"-Robi stated"Ouch! Babe stop!"- Aubrey pinched her cheeks so hard

"Stop being weird you weirdo! Because Im loving it"- She Whispered

"Oh Comeon! Beca Have Chloe. Aubrey have Robi. Amy Have Bumper. Emily Have Benji. Jessica Have Ashley. Stacie, Me , Flo and Lilly are single"-Cynthia Hissed" please give me a babe!"-

My friends are Crazy but i love them. I never have friends like this before then i have met them. Im Open in everything to them i shared alot of things with them especially to Chloe

"Oh by the way Guys! I have a Good News! Were having a Trip on Thursday it is good for 1 week. We need to relaxed before we have some Rehearsals again."- Aubrey announced"So we better prepare for this."

"Lets prepare after this tho!...I cant wait to have some fun with yaaaahh all!!"-Emily said

"Hell Yeah!"- We sang..

We have prepared all things we want to bring that night. Oh my Im so excited!

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