chapter six

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Bill's eyes widened, his face heating up quickly.
"Wh-what?! No, no! I-I just care for her well-being!"
Dipper started laughing, setting his journal down and shaking his head.
"Tell me about her."
A confused look crossed Bill's face making Dipper wave it off.
"Just humor me."
Giving a sigh, Bill reluctantly nodded.
"Mabel is...amazing. She's.... caring ...always full of energy... and ready to take on anything. Even though she's easy for one to anger, she understands almost anything you entrust to her."
He paused, realizing he'd gotten carried away.
"Okay fine, I do like her but..."
He gave a small sigh of despair.
"She barely thinks if me as a friend... Only helping because I need it...don't tell her anything I said here!"
Dipper smiled, 'zipping' his lips shut.
"It stays between us. Now, go get her, I just got an idea of what to do."
Bill grumbled, getting to his feet and heading to her room, Dipper heading for the vending machine.
Just a she was about to knock, he heard her talking.
"Pacifica, that's so mean!"
Wait, Northwest? Didn't Mabel not like her?
Mabel paused in her speaking.
Then a sigh.
"No I didn't forget Weirdmageddon."
They were talking about him, the mention of that event making him flinch at the summer memory.
Another sigh, the soft sounds of metal clacking against each other. Her needles probably.
"It's just... he seems... different. I think being stuck in Gravity Falls without powers has forced him to realize the things he did... he's become... so caring..."
She gave a sigh, the sound of metal on wood meaning she'd set down her knitting.
"I mean right now he's downstairs with Dip Dot trying to come up with a plan. You should come over and-"
He took that moment, knocking on the wooden door.
"Just a second Paci."
Footsteps sounded before he door swung open, a big smile growing on her face upon seeing Bill.
"Bill, we were just talking about you!"
He crossed his arms.
"Nothing bad I hope."
Mabel waved her hand, giggling.
"Not this time, don't worry."
He gave a nod.
"Good. Oh, is whoever's on the phone coming over? I heard you suggesting they come over when I got here."
Mabel gave a shrug.
"I'm trying to convince Pacifica to-"
She paused, giving a big smile.
"Yes! Okay then see you then!"
And she hung up.
"She'll be here in half an hour. Now, what can I do for you?"
The real reason had slipped his mind, making him go blank before he snapped.
"Oh yeah! Dipper has an idea, told me to get you."
He turned away, waiting for Mabel who turned off her light.
"Let's find out this brilliant plan!"
He headed back, Mabel in tow, back to the kitchen.
Dipper had returned, a black spheric object sitting on the table.
Before Bill could ask, Mabel chirped in.
"Hey Dip, I invited Pacifica over. She said she'd be here in half an hour."
Dipper actually groaned, Bill taking a seat at the table.
"Okay Pinetree, what's your idea and what the heck is that thing."
Dipper rolled his eyes at the demon.
"My idea is alarms. This is. Motion detector."
Bill stared at him, before running a hand down his face.
"Alarms? That's your big idea?"
The twin brother crossed his arms.
"Yeah, we set enough alarms around her room that no one could get close enough without setting one off."
Bill gave a sigh.
"Okay I'll give you props Pinetree... It sounds even more stupid when explained."
Dipper glared at him.
"Do you have an idea?"
Bill smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned back.
"Of course! It's rather simple, stand guard and kill whoever isn't a resident of the shack."
"Bill, we're not killing anyone."
Mabel made a small intervention.
"It's better than Dippers idea!"
He glared at the brother.
"Shooting Star is a heavy sleeper, an alarm isn't going to wake her up!"
"This one sure as hell will!"
"Dipper wait don't -"
Too late, Dipper took out his phone, pressing the screen.
A shrill scream of a siren ripped from the device on the table, quickly joined by Bill's own scream as he slapped both hands over his ears.
He scrambled back, feet tangling with his chair in his desperation.
"Turn it off!!"
His tail made Mabel spring to her feet, catching him before he fell and slapping her hands over his.
"Dipper, turn it off!"
He obeyed, quickly shutting off and dropping his phone on the table.
Mabel gently set Bill in his seat, him shivering as he gripped her hands tightly.
Looking up, she shot a glare in his direction, looking back when Bill shifted.
After a moment he let her hands go, not looking at either of them.
"Sorry... to make you... do that... Pinetree..."
His voice was only a whisper, as it he couldn't heard himself speak.
"Thank you... for helping... Shooting Star."
For some reason, something in her broke when he said that but she gave a smile anyways.
"You're welcome, Dorito."
Dipper stood as the doorbell rang, heading away to go answer it.
Mabel gave a sigh, glancing to the doorway before looking back to Bill.
He'd stopped trembling, gaze dazed and blank.
"I'm... Going to bed... tell Northwest I said hello..."
He gave her a bit of a smile, gently kissing her palm before slowly heading upstairs.
His ears were still ringing from the alarm.
She was stunned, slowly looking to her palm before she turned, heading to the door.
"Pacifica...Bill said hi...he went to bed..."

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