Chapter 2: Mortal meets God

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"It was a kid." he said to himself

The god was flabbergasted by what he saw, that a mere child would be such a perfect candidate for a host body, it was unimaginable to him, not even his father was this high of a candidate for a The Merger. This realization both scared and highly intrigued the god of death that a kid was a 99% match. The kid according to his All Seeing Eyes was 16 years in age, had a height of 6'1 1/2 and weighed 162 pounds but wasn't all skin and bones like it looked he did have a fair amount of muscle mass or as much as he could get with such a high metabolism, but something caught his attention it said he was mentally damaged but wasn't very specific. His appearance and cloths weren't much to look at either, he had long brown hair with two different eye colors, his left was a golden yellow color and the right was a silver white color but faded suggesting that he was a little blind in that eye, but also suggesting that hewas born with a rare condition called Heterochromia iridium. He also wore a black sweatshirt with a grayish t-shirt under it he also wore black jeans and gray high top shoes and carried a black two strap backpack over his right shoulder suggesting he right handed. Azrael thought to himself

"He looked quite similar to me." he said quietly

"But I know what I must do, I must take over that body." Azrael said with reassurance in his voice.

Azrael watched the boy as he took a seat on a bench just outside the apartment, Azrael decided to watch and study this creature that he found fascinating. The boy sat on the bench for a few hours, which sorta perplexed the god because he wondered way he would just sit there for so long. The boy eventually got up and entered the apartment complex around 9:30 pm. With the All seeing eye he was able to see the boy through the walls and saw he go to the third floor. He entered a room numbered 312 where he saw the boy open and close the door of the of the apartment behind him. Azrael was now able to see him through a window from his Perch so he didn't need to use the All Seeing Eye any more. A few seconds after the boy entered the room, he was greated by a man, this man was taller and much more built then the boy and was clearly much older, with a face that looked insane and was about to be up to no good. Azrael pondered what he should do, his instincts told him to help the boy but he wanted to see what would happen instead. The second he entered the frame the man was yelling at the boy for something, and then he did something that made Azrael sick, he punched the boy in the face multiple times. This made Azrael very angry, it reminded him of his father damning him to this hell and then going on as normal like he never existed in the first place. The boy just took the hits and was bleeding from his nose but it didn't seem like it fazed him, like he was used to it. The man walked out of the window frame and the boy got up and exited the apartment. This made Azrael feel something he'd never felt before, a feeling of pity, a feeling of pain that made a god of death feel sadness for this mortal, but it also taught him a valuable lesson, mortals were truly made in God's image.

A few minutes later the boy exited the apartment complex, it was almost 10:00 pm by this point so Azrael was rather confused on way the boy was going out his later in the bad part of town. He decided to follow him to see what he was doing and what was so important to be out this late at night. He followed him for about 15min than boy went down a dark alley where several rather mean looking men were,  the boy walked towards them. The boy took out a gun and it sounded like he was threatening them but this stick up didn't last long since someone came up behind the boy without him realizing and knocked him out cold. They throw him in the trunk of a car and drove for about 4 hours while Azrael was following them to see what they were gonna do. The four men drove to the same forest that Azrael fell into the other day. They throw the now awake and frightened boy out of the trunk and punch him a few times in the face. One of the men took out a gun.

"Yeah know kid you kind of scared us back there earlier, no one has ever stood up to us like that be for I'm surprised it was you." the man with the gun said

"If your gonna kill me just do it already, I've got nothing to live for, no one will miss me, and no one would even bat an eye." the boy said.

The man pointed the gun at the kids head and he awaited the sound of a gun shot. BANG!! the sound of the gun shot. The boy and the three other men were confused until the man that previously held the gun just stood there, his three partners asked if he was alright that's until the man split in half. The boy looked behind the three other men where a tall and dark being with a bloody sword stood behind them. The three men saw the shadow in the cars headlights and they all instinctively turned around. The other three are were in complete shock and fear at the godly looking figure standing before them with a very detailed engraved long sword, within a flash he sliced two other men into pieces with the last one filled with so much fear in him he couldn't move, he just stood there crying. He was finally able to move and he got down onto his knees to beg the godly looking figure to spare his life and in another flash the mans neck was sliced open to the bone. The Boy watched in shock and aw at the tall figure with a dark aroma surrounding him. The figure just stood there in place, not moving a muscle, like an angelic figure.


The boy saw this as an opportunity to get the hell out of there so he ran into the forest, through the trees, bushes and leaves, occasionally looking behind to see if he's being followed. The boy was running for god knows how long into a forest only getting thicker and thicker, then he stopped in an open part of the forest to check his surroundings, to see if he was still being followed and to see what why to go. He was completely lost, in mind and location, just looking at the being from earlier gave the most intense headache he'd ever felt, he could think of the being without it feeling like his head was being cracked open with an axe, and when he did think of the being it was beyond anything he'd could have ever comprehend, something he was never supposed to see.

The boy noticed that he never heard any foot steps behind him the entire time he was running.

" mon-monster have...silent feet or something?" he thought

"Wait...he-he had wings!" The boy said with shock and disbelief in his voice. This thought shook him to his core.  He'd been so focused on looking behind him that, that he never even considered the sky. Looking up was one of the biggest mistakes he'd ever done, bigger than pointing that gun at those drug dealers, bigger than trying to rob that gas station with a cop in it a few years back, it was the action that he regreted most even to this day. The creature was in the sky about 20 feet above him, staring at him with an such an intense glare that when the boy looked into them it made his eyes hurt. The monster put an evil looking grin on his face, than the flying demon pounced.


Universe 294 The Azraels Ascension जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें