Chapter Nine:

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In this chapter some readers may find certain scenes distressing. If you do not wish to read you can probably still follow the story line without this chapter.
Ps. Nobody dies

Alec's POV

I lay on the river bank. Freezing. The fall hadn't killed me but I'd passed out and now I was lying on a muddy bank. I couldn't move and I had lost my stele. Even with it I'd blatantly broken both my arms.

A trickle of blood ran from my nose and into my mouth and tears ran down both my cheeks.
I was so pathetic I couldn't even kill myself.

I shut my eyes desperately trying to find some strength in my body. Even if I could just roll into the river and drown. But no my whole body felt broken and frozen.

I couldn't even lift my head. That was when I remembered I hadn't activated my detracting rune...

Magnus' POV

I quickly made a portal to where Alec lay and stepped through.

After searching everywhere I finally found him bedraggled and crying. Not sure if he was hurt I put my hand out and walked towards him as if he were a frightened animal.

"Shh, " I said as he whimpered. I had come alone knowing that if he saw Jace, Izzy, Clary and Simon he would be angry.

"Magnus? " He whispered straining through everything.

"Yea it's me. It's going to be ok, " I said moving down next to him slowly. "Can I move you? " I asked.

"No, " He whispered "it hurts Magnus it hurts so much, "

"It's ok, " I mustered a smile onto my face that didn't look too fake.

"Don't let... Them see me like this, " He moaned.

"Ok. I'm going to knock you out then portal you back to my place ok? " I said clicking my fingers

"Yeah, " He heaved a shakey breath.

I put a spell over him that would temporarily make him sleep. Then not to damage him anymore I picked him up slowly and made a portal.

I stepped through and found the fabulous four sitting on the sofas.
"Shit, " They all whispered as soon as they saw the dripping Alec. I walked straight into the bedroom to try and fulfil Alec's wish.

I layed him down on the bed and knew he would be angry if I didn't wake him. Quickly I fixed a spell to wake him.

He screamed a little when he awoke.

"Alec, " I whispered going to hold his hand

"I'm fine, " He whispered tears surfacing his eyes.

"I'm going to fix you you've broken almost every bone in you body." I said standing up. "I'm going on put you too sleep if I don't the pain will be unbearable."

"No, " He yelled almost trying to get away but failing horribly as he screamed again.

"Ok. Ok." I whispered. I won't, "

Ugh yes I need to update. I'm shouting at myself internally I just have writers block for all my books I'm currently writing. However if you need a read then please check out my book I've just published chapter one of Liars, Clubbers and Bitches. So I would love it if you could check that out. I even added music. Anyway I'm still working on this I promise and I will update soon. Sorry

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