Bonnie: yuck now I don't blame you for freaking out he creeps me out. 

Tyler: ugh I'm starting to hate Matt even more 

Lexi got the blood for Stefan and ran it to him 

 in Stefan and Elena's room 

 Lexi: here you go. What happens if Damon  show up? 

Lexi hands the bottles of blood to Stefan 

Stefan: I'm hoping it's when Elena wakes up. I'm not gonna be able to do anything if shows up sooner. 

Lexi: I could take him to my boyfriend and have Mark help Damon get his humanity back on 

Stefan: Thanks I'm not worried about it. 

Lexi: I'm off to go cheek on Jenna for you. 

Stefan: it has to be Bonnie or Caroline to do that 

Lexi: fine why can't I do it 

Stefan: Jenna has not gotten to know you yet. It's safer if it's Caroline or Bonnie 

Lexi: fine but are you gonna do the one I think you are gonna do when Elena is done with her transition? 

Stefan: what do you think i'm gonna do? 

Lexi: sier her to you? 

Stefan: yeah it stops Damon from being a jerk and doing it. 

Lexi: be careful with doing that 

Stefan: I know but when I do it I will talk to Elena about it then sit her friends down and explain it to them

Lexi: I'm off to get more clothes for me. 

Stefan: be careful, please

Lexi: you got it. 

Lexi left 


 there was a knock on the door 

Bonnie opened the door 

it was Liz Forbs 

Liz: how are you all doing 

Caroline: hi mom we are good. 

Liz: Elena is sick? 

bonnie: yeah Stefan is taking care of her. he offered to let us stay here a week to keep him company. 

Liz: I can go up to Stairs to find Stefan. 

Tyler: no you can't do that he doesn't want anyone to go up to Stairs. the reason for it there is a slight chance you could catch whatever Elena has. 

Liz: alright then Caroline I would like to talk to you at home. 

Caroline: alright I'm coming 

Caroline got her school stuff together and went to her house with her mom. 

Bonnie texted Lexi saying Caroline went home for a bit 

Caroline looks at her friends with the help me look. 

Caroline and Liz left 

Tyler: we got to bail  Caroline out of her house tonight. 

Bonnie: how do we do that I don't have a backup dummy

Tyler: text Lexi and ask her to get a dummy that we can use and a blond wig. 

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