Sweet Pea: you're like the best cook. He says while taking a bite of his food. I let out a laugh.
Sweet Pea: like seriously. We should go on like a cooking show together. We'd so win. He says to me making me burst into a fit of laughter.
Betty: Sweety you realise just because I can cook doesn't mean you can. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: I can cook. He says unconvincingly.
Betty: remember the time you tried making French toast? You burnt the toast and the butter. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: I-I mean. He didn't know what to say. I let out a giggle.

As we ate I couldn't help but feel happy. At least I haven't completely lost him so far.

My happiness only latest for a few minutes as I heard Sweet Pea's phone go off. I took a quick glance of who had sent him the message and it was Veronica, of course it was.

A small frown formed on my face as he began to text her a reply. I take a bite of my eggs, hoping it would hide my frown. I really didn't want to tell him I disapproved of his relationship with her because I know he'll only get mad at me and it could effect the relationship I have with him. And the worst thing right now is for him to not have me there when she breaks his heart.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong? He asked.

Well I guess I'm terrible at hiding my feelings. I didn't want to tell him the truth but I also knew I couldn't lie to him. He can read me too easily. I decided to tell him a small part of the truth.

Betty: how come you only told me about you and Veronica two weeks after you and her got together? I asked him. He gave me a soft smile.
Sweet Pea: we were still exploring our relationship, seeing if we could actually work out. He says softly to me.
Sweet Pea: I didn't mean to hide it. He says while picking up our plates and putting them in the sink.

He walked back up to me and places a kiss on my head, he also embraced me in a hug. I hugged him back. We soon excited the hug and made our way to school.

As we entered the old, run down school I heard the sound of high heels clicking against the cemented floor. Veronica walked up to Sweet Pea, placing a kiss on his cheek and linking arms with him. I was in front of them at this point so I rolled my eyes as big as I possibly could, when all of a sudden someone links their arm with mine. Thankfully I was familiar with their skin and realized it was only Kevin.

Betty: Kev, you have got to stop scaring me like that. I say making him chuckle.
Kevin: B, you're the easiest person to scare. I've literally scared you while we were in the same room and you knew I was there. He says to me and bursts into a fit of laughter. I roll my eyes playfully.

During his laughing fit we had managed to make our way to the student lounge and spot the guys.

Archie: what's he laughing about? He asked.
Betty: at how easy I am to scare. Both Reggie and Archie burst into laughter.
Reggie: true. He says only making the three of them laugh harder.
Betty: I love you guys too. I say sarcastically to them.

The bell thankfully rang and I headed to class with Archie. We walked into our classroom and saw the teacher already there, writing out the math questions we had to do this lesson. Archie and I look at each other with a sigh. Our teacher is terrible, she couldn't teach to save her life. I have no doubt that she's smart, but she doesn't know how to explain it.

We open up our text books and use the examples in the book to give us some hints of what the formula could be.

Most of the time Archie and I look at the answers and try to figure out something from that.

We finished 20 minutes early, majority of our answers were probably wrong but what can you do when your teacher can't teach?

The lesson thankfully ended and Archie and I went to each other's lockers. We put our stuff away and headed to the student lounge where Kevin and Reggie were already sitting down.

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