Chapter 2: Almost

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Connor's POV

I rolled over in my sleep and my arm hit something. I open my eyes to see a blond in my bed. I sat up. If this is my sister, I'm going to kill myself. My sister is a blond too, and I got drunk last night. I don't remember much but if this is her, I'm killing myself. I climbed over the girl to get a look. It wasn't her. Oh thank God. My phone pinged. It was from Kelly, my girlfriend.

Kelly💜: Hey baby. Hope you had a good rest. I'll be waiting for you at Panda Express.
Connor: Why?
Kelly💜: For our date. Whatever bitch you got in your bed better be worth it for you to forget.
Connor: I'll be ready baby.
Kelly💜: Good because we need to talk.
Connor: Bout what?

No reply. I don't know why she's upset. She's a fucking succubus. She has different guys in her bed every night. She better not be pregnant by me. I do NOT want kids with her. I double my protection when I'm having sex with her. I looked over at the girl. "Hey there, you gotta go." I said. She groaned and rolled over. I tried it the easy way. "Hey girlie? You gotta leave. Now." I said, shaking her harder. She finally woke up. "Ugh what?" She asked. "You gotta go. My girlfriend's coming. And I don't think she'll like the fact that you're here." I said. She rolled her eyes and got up.

"Wow. I thought you said you loved me." She said. "I'll say whatever I need to say to get you in bed. After all, it was just a quick fuck." I said. She grunted and left. I got up, took my shower, and got dressed. I went downstairs. "Hey Connor." I was greeted by my clan. "How y'all doin?" I asked. "Hey son. I need you to go make sure our stock of blood is in order." Me dad said. I walked downstairs to the cellar and marked off everything. Oh no. What? Hold up. I ran upstairs. "'A bag is missin'." I said. Everyone looked at each other. "Who was the last one in the cellar?" My dad asked. Nobody raised their hands or said anything.

He sighed and pulled out an acid gun. "Now I'm gonna ask again. Now remember, I don't like liars. Who was the last one in the cellar? I got video cameras everywhere in this house, so if someone's lying, its the end of you." He said. "I think Patrick was last in there." Someone said. He looked at him. "Connor, did you smell his scent down there?" He asked. "No sir. But I can check again." I said. I ran down there and smelt a scent. Oh hell no. I ran back upstairs. "An cailín sin a d'fhág no sheomra. An bhfuil sí fós anseo?( That girl that left my room. Is she still here?)" I asked.

They shook their heads. "Cén fáth?(Why?)" My dad asked. "Tá a scent úr síos ann.( Her scent is fresh down there)." I said. "Go after her. NOW!!" My dad screamed. Men ran outside. "Where do you get these girls Connor?" My sister asked me. "I just found them Kacey. No introductions, just fucks." I said. "Well you need to be more careful. Can't risk these kinds of situations." My dad said. "Trust me, I'm being more careful." I said.

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