Chapter 6; Sylvia

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Sylvia was resting up against the dying fire waiting for Wander to return, it took a while... a short... while before she got up and started looking for Wander. As she was walking she collided with something small, or well someone small. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as the one and only Peepers pointed his laser gun at Sylvia. 

"Zbornack where is the wondering weirdo?" Peepers was too small to be scary, but Sylvia wouldn't say anything because she remembers Wonder saying that he was insecure about that or something .

"It's none of your business where Wonder is, what are you doing here is the question!!!" Sylvia snapped as she prepared the Duke and the Duchess for a fight what she wasn't prepared for was Peepers next move. He lowered his gun and looked at her accusingly and took a menacing step forward his voice lowering into an almost growl.

"Is it some sick game to you, I mean we are the bad. guys. But YOU dressing Wonder up and tricking Hater like that.. Thats low, even for you." They were both quite, a silent wind slowly passing  between the two. All Sylvia could do was say. 

"Aww Wonder what did you get us into.." Peepers seemed to look past Sylvia. A small amount of time passed before Sylvia took a step forward. "Look what ever you think happened, well it didn't... Sorta, I don't think?? Look Wonder lives a very... eccentric life style, he meant no harm.."

"Oh yeah I'm sure!!" Peepers snapped in a sarcastic manner. Then Peepers was rubbing his head. "Look logically I get that he wouldn't do anything intentionally, so jus- just lets try to.."

Sylvia fully understood what he meant "uhh yeah, we'll do what we can." She wanted to leave it there and she almost did but the green lighting went off by where Wonder took off, and she ran with the littlest eye ball not far behind her. 

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