Chapter One Ritz:

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It was a beautiful night on what many called the 'Hot Spot Planet', which was a decent size planet that was always in a romantic atmosphere. They had a romantic restaurant, a carriage ride, make out peak, a little fair with romantic games/rides, a big picture screen playing romantic comedies made by the people living there, and just romantic things in general. Wander had told his good friend Sylvia that he was going out as Wanda, and Sylvia being the good friend had dropped him off and went off to a jelly fish pie planet close by, trusting wander to come to her when ready.

A male named Ritz from this planet had asked 'Wanda' on a date after seeing Wander in his female attire and Wander didn't want to be rude so he agreed... But now after being on said date Wander who is now Wanda is having second thoughts on the whole thing.. This guy who stood a whole foot taller than Wander, was a sickly light green with the darkest bluest eyes Wanders ever seen, black hair slicked back with too much hair gel, and wore a black button down shirt and black ripped jeans with dusty old boots. Wanda was slouched in her seat staring at her water she just got a few minutes ago as Ritz talked about how he's "seen it all", every time Wanda tried to interject that (s)he also seen the beauty of the galaxy  Ritz would claim that "not like me, I've seen only the best of the best", Ritz was trying to get handsy with Wanda under the table despite her protest. When it was time to order Ritz ordered two large steaks even though Wanda  said she was a vegetarian!! 

Across the restaurant Hater was sitting at a similar table as Wanda and Ritz but the other chair remained empty,  slowly sipping the Champagne.. Yes Lord Hater was stood up... Again. A waiter walks up only for the skeleton man to shot his lighting bolts at the poor man as he yelped, and ran away from the Skeleton Overlord.

"I didn't get stood up!!" He growled a little as he stood up and kicked the chair and table to the side. This made him feel a little better so he decided to start to wreck the place but as he stomped over to the Closest table to toss it when he noticed very familiar orange fur.. As he snuck closer he saw what he almost could swear was Wander but the blond hair (wig), off the shoulder low cut dark green dress and black heels to match.. Kinda threw him off not to mention this lady Wander had a date, and a very bored if not irritated expression as (s)he picked at the meat in front of her.. Hater decided to sit at the now vacant table and listen in (he denied it later)..

Hater heard the man wearing too much hair gel exclaim:  "yeah i know YOU may have seen klorp-pex 10, but not the way I have!! Obviously I know where to look!" The lady Wander just looked up from her meat as she slouched further in her seat pushing her plate away. When all of a sudden (s)he jumped a mile as this guy leaned towards lady wander hands traveling up her thighs.  Hater heard the sleaze bag mumble "not hungry for that type of meat babe" he winked as it was so clear to see the poor lady was REALLY uncomfortable with him getting closer.. "How 'bout we go back to my place" he grabbed her by the wrist as she struggled in his grasp.

"No that's-" the pretty girl tried to protest as he pulled her closer as he tried dragging her of her seat.

"Come on" he purred as he got closer as though he were to steal a kiss. Hater, without thinking abruptly stood up and loomed behind the man but went unnoticed by the "couple" until he slowly but painfully tapped the jerk on the shoulder til he turned around.

"Wha-" the man started out in a harsh manner but then stopped short when he saw

"Lord ("Hatey!!" Wonder whispered in his usual southern and cheerful manner.. It went unnoticed )H-hater!?!" He stumbled back on his butt letting her go. "I'm kinda in the middle of something here!" The creep said with a little more confidence.

"Oh yeah, harassing this beautiful lady here!" Hater growled as his back was towards her as though he could shield her just by standing there.. He started glowing green as he stepped closer to the creep who clambered back in fear. When hater picked him up by his tacky shirt collar.. "Now" he made his voice as low and scary as possible "here's what you're going to do. You're going to leave here, never to return, and never EEVVVER harass her or anyone else again." He sent a small shock to emphasize his point "got it" he snarled as the creep nodded his head vigorously in agreement. "Good, now LEAVE!" Hater all but threw him clear out of the restaurant. Once that was done hater noticed everyone was staring at him so he made the most intimidating face he could and everyone turned around back to their dinners in fear.When he went back to Wanda she was staring at him with stars in her eyes "so umm" she launched herself at him into a tight hug.. That felt like a very familiar Wander hug, but his heart never beat this fast before.

"ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU" with a final squeeze she let go, Hater already missing the warmth. She stood in front of him "how could I ever repay you!!" Hater cleared his throat

"Well I mean.. The night is Still young.. And umm I don't think you ate much.." He pointed to the steak that was untouched, Wanda looked surprised before frowning at the dinner.

"Oh umm I'm a vegetarian.." When hater didn't say anything and gave her a blank stare Wanda clarified "I don't eat meat.." She pushed a strand of hair behind her "ear" as hater made an O face.

"Well ummm I can umm eat the s-steak and I'll get you a salad.." He mumbled looking anywhere but the lady who caught his eyes, when he heard her gasp in delight he looked at her as she smiled the biggest and most wonderful smile he's  seen all night..

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