Chapter Two The Real Gentleman:

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Soon they were seated, Hater was munching his steak and Wanda her fruit salad with any remains of Ritz gone..

"So you went to klorp-pex 10.. Ten times!!" Hater said in awe as they finished up and were sitting there chatting, Wanda covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she giggled.

"Yup!" She popped the P. "So what about you, have you seen klorp-pex 10?" She asked as her eyes lit up with interest.

"I went only twice.... Didn't see much of the place, but it seemed, N-nice?" Wanda smile, which in Haters opinion put even the prettiest sunset to shame.. "Umm maybe next time w-we could umm" Wanda stopped him by putting her beautiful fur hands on his gloved one.

"I would love that" she just about whispered, her eyes shining brighter than all the stars in the galaxy. Hater put his other hand on top of hers, they were both staring deeply into each other's eyes, they were so close to ki-

A waiter came up and put the bill down, Wanda pulled back first and grabbed the bill.

"Oh umm this check says that it's pa-" the waiter shook his head smiling really big, Hater preferred Wanda's smile..

"No Madame, they  uh paid for the dinner, they were all um moved by Lords Hater. Eh.. How you say.. Performance of luve" said the waiter in a heavy French accent. Wanda looked at the people who were now clapping and smiling at them. Wanda glanced at Hater who looked confused but not against all the positive attention he was getting..

"Oh well let me-" Wanda was about to pull out money from a small purse that Sylvia gave her in exchange of the hat to tip; but the waiter just stopped her, shook his head, and disappeared in the kitchen. Hater brought his gaze back to Wanda who was sneaking some money out on the table. (TIP YOU WAITER/WAITRESS)

Hater broke the silence. "So umm I heard there's a firework show"
Wanda slowly put her hands back in her lap as she looked at the skeleton over lord as if asking him to continue
"and I hearrddd that the best spot is the top of the Ferris wheel.." She smirked a little as she stood up and held out her hand to Hater.. He took her hand and they ran out together to the Ferris wheel. Once in the ride, they reached the top and thanks to hater they were able to have the best seats.. He may or may not have placed a few threats/ threw a few lighting bolts.. But in the end it was worth it because there they were a few-minutes before the fireworks Wanda was curled into Haters side eyes scanning the sky only to glance back at Hater every so often.

"Hey umm Wanda?" The girl in question gave a happy humm as she stared at him. Everything felt perfect for once in haters life when the two slowly leaned into a kiss when

BAM- a firework shot off making Wanda and maybe even lord hater jump a little in surprise, but Wanda was soon up and excited about the beautiful colors that lit up the sky. Hater couldn't help but stare at Wanda as she smiled really big at the colors that seemed to almost dance in the night sky. Wanda turned around and faced Hater after the grand finale
"That was AMAZING!" She exclaimed jumping in his arms and looking him in the eyes and developed in a deep kiss as the last of the fireworks fizzled out and the ride was letting them off.

Soon they were on top of make out peak where the skull ship was waiting, but neither seem to notice or care, too busy in making out.. It was they parted for air that Wanda took notice of the ship and the shape of an angry commander Peepers in the window.

"Hey Hatey I think your ride is here.." The skeleton in question looked up to see he ship and gave a defeated sigh..

"Well I guess I should head out.." He didn't let go of Wanda's hands, so Wanda slipped out of his grasp but grabbed his shoulder, and gave a quick kiss to the cheek.

"I had so much fun.. Thank you.." With that she backed away as Hater slowly dragged himself to his ship and she was behind some brush so she could orbble out of there as Wonder.

Wander Over YonderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon