Chapter 5: Causes

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"They used Noël as an experiment. Many people, actually." Tamara fiddled with her glove covered hands. Her teal eyes meet the brown eyes of Cholé.

"So, people are getting substances injected into them. How many die?" Cholé felt a tang of guilt run through her as she sees Tamara's face drop.

The small, stone room was now cold due to the setting sun. The only real light coming from the small light hanging over head.

"Do you have your phone on you?" Cholé reaches into her boot, only to be face to face with a dead phone.

"I forgot to charge it." Tamara lets out a simple hum in response.

"It's getting kind if cold. I'll take you inside. We can charge your phone there." Tamara sat up from the cold stone flooring. She extended a hand for Cholé to grab, in which she took hesitantly.

Tamara opened the smooth door leading back into the base. Surprisingly, they found it to be quite empty.

"Are you sure this is okay, Tam?" Cholé looked around the bright base. Squinting at the sudden bright lights.

"Don't worry. Come, I want you to meet some people." Tamara waves her hand swiftly, signifying for Cholé to follow.

The two walked the white hallways until reaching two tall stone doors. Tamara pushes the left one open, a simple gust of wind swiftly hits the two as a simple lounge room comes to view.

The walls were painted a light gray. Simple dark oak wood sat smoothly under their feet.

"Tam, there you went." A man and a woman come swiftly walking up.

The girl, her auburn colored, curly hair sat cut into a slanted bob, shoulder height with Tamara. She was wearing the same outfit as Tamara. Her dark brown eyes, almost looking black, twinkle from the hanging lights.

The man, slightly taller then the two, pushes his black hair out of his mint green eyes. The only thing different with the boy's uniform, was that they have a white t-shirt underneath.

"Who's the friend?" The woman slightly shifts her weight onto her left side. Her arms come up to cross over her chest, her face curving up into a small smile.

"Zane, Alice, this is Cholé." The male, or Zane, let out a simple hand to Cholé. Alice lets a smile fill her face as she lifts a hand to wave.

Not far behind, two 19 year olds come walking up being. The girls dark brown hair, a silver streak sitting nicely in front sat tied into a messy bun. Her blue eyes filled with excitement as she came running to the small group.

The boy had black hair, as well as brown eyes.

"And now Rebecca and Will." Alice let's out a nervous laugh.

"Where's Nia and Marc?" Rebecca looks behind her as two teens walk up.

The girl looked to be around 16, while the boy was close to 18. Both had hazle eyes and platinum blond hair. The boy's cut nicely with a smooth fringe in front, while the girl's sat a little above her shoulders. A simple side bang falling to her left was pinned back with a brown bobby-pin.

The girl had a pastel blue sweater, falling off her right shoulder to show a black tanktop underneath. Gray yoga pants sat under her black lace up boots. A light gray scarf laying nearly above it all.

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