"Yes?" I spoke softly in hope of preventing any kind of incident. Finan would not let it slide if I returned beaten by my husband and I had to prevent it.

"Where are you going?" He furrowed his eyebrows and had such a harsh expression I thought I would melt from the terror that he was instilling within me. I could not tell him that I was going to bed — Finan's bed. I made a quick, rash decision, knowing he would not follow me there.


He was silenced momentarily, articulating his response. "Are you sure that is where you are headed?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" My breath hitched a little as he approached me. He placed a finger upon my jawline and traced it up, tucking a small piece of hair behind my ear.

"That is what I am wondering."

The silence was forever between us. He eyed me with suspicion and led his finger to my neck, cupping it with his whole hand as if it were some silver trinket. He was gentle for a moment but soon clenched his grip, his thumb pushing my throat so hard I thought I would be sick.


"Where are you going, wife?" His voice was filled with fury. It was as if he could read my mind or hear my rapid heartbeat, both of which were a clear giveaway that I was lying.

The fingers that found the back of my neck pushed deeper and I felt sure that his fingers would meet his thumb, crushing my neck between them and leaving me a lifeless body, my soul damned by association with him.

"Is it to your Irishman?"

"How do you-" I squeaked out only three words before he interjected, cutting me off.

"I have my ways, Morwenna, as you should know. You cannot protect him from me." I had to wonder, then, just who I could trust. Thorfinn's ways were not some mystical spell that would tell him everything; it was men. Men who spied within Cookham, for him.

He let go of his grip upon my neck and I gasped for air, wheezing and gulping like a weak-lunged baby.

"He won't protect you once he's had you, Morwenna," Thorfinn spoke once more. "That is all you're good for."

"To you," I seethed. "But you do not have the capacity for anything other than cruelty."

He was about to speak again before a female voice called his name. He turned and we both saw a young blonde peeping her head from a doorway, smirking at him with such intent I felt my own cheeks blush.

"Go, pray to your God." He ushered me off like a bird. "But I find you with him, Morwenna, I will tear balls from him."

"Yes, husband." I nodded and turned, hearing him begin to speak with the woman so loudly he would wake up the entirely of Cookham. I was heading to the hall with such pace I was nearly running.

I slid through the gap in the doors and tiptoed along to the ladder, climbing quietly. A small creak halted me but only for a few seconds. I reached the top and looked to Finan's bed; empty. I sighed a little but crept to it, sitting down upon the furs.

It was not long before he returned. It was such a cold and frosty morning in Cookham that I had resorted to lying under the furs, which Finan found utterly vivacious. I heard some voices before the bed itself weighed down next to me. I opened my eyes to Finan sitting on the edge of the bed, quietly removing his boots.

"Wild night?" I whispered. He put the boots on the bed and shuffled back, lying down next to me.

"It is wilder that I have found you here." He sarked. "But I'm not complain'."

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