Fuller Thanksgiving ♛

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sweet! Back in the OG crib." Danny cheered, looking around the house before making his way to the stairs, "Mac Danny, out!"

Max played his trombone as a signal that some one else had arrived. We all turned to look at him, curious as to who had arrived.

"It's Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky." He announced

"Hi!" They greeted, coming in through the front door

Max played his trombone again, signaling another guest had arrived

"It's our cousins, Nicky and Alex." Max said

They walked in, waving, with a platter of food held in their hands.

"The boys brought fish tacos from their mildly successful fish taco truck." Becky said, as we all moved to pick one up

"Which reminds us, the refrigerator broke." One of the twins noted, making us all throw them back on the tray in disgust

"Deej, where are we staying?" Becky asked

"Oh. All four of you are back in your old room." She said, making them walk upstairs.

Max gained our attention again with his instrument.

"Max, everyone who's coming is here." Jackson said

"No, they're not." Max said, as Joey walked in.

"Happy Turkey day!" He greeted, "Uh Oh. Ginger disappeared. That's what you get when you marry a magician."

A cloud a smoke appeared, and his wife used it as an entrance to run into the house

"Man, I love this family." I laughed

"Do you believe in..." His wife started as she performed a weird move, "Magic?"

"I believe in RSVPs." Dj said, "What are you guys doing here?"

"You didn't RSVP" They asked each other

"Ok, um, I'll squeeze you in. Whew I don't know what I would have done if you had brought the kids." Dj sighed

"Hello." All four of their kids yelled, coming in with big smiles on their faces

"They seem adorable." Ramona said

"Oh, yeah. So do Koala bears." I started

"Until they rip your face off." Jackson finished

"Say hello to America's next singing sensation, The Gladstone four." Ginger said, pointing to her kids

"Jerry, Lewis, Phyllis, And Joan." Joey noted

"You guys have gotten so big. How old are you now?" Kimmy asked

"5,6,7,8!" They yelled, one after the other.

"Well, the boys can bunk with Jackson and Max. And the girls are with Ramona and Farrah." Dj said

"Thanks Dj, c'mon Gladstone four, let's go upstairs." Ginger said

They all ran upstairs, and Jackson and I groaned in frustration


Later, I walked into Jackson's room to find him and Max duct taped back to back of chairs, while the little boys shot then with nerf guns.

They all stopped and looked at me, different expressions on everyone's faces.

"Hand me the gun." I said to one of the kids

"Oh thank god. Your saving us." Jackson smiled, relieved.

"Actually...." I began, holding up the gun

SECRET HEART ❁ JACKSON FULLERWhere stories live. Discover now