Jed smiled, nodding his head, "Sounds great."

 About an hour later, Jed and Valerie had drank a few cups of alcohol together before they found themselves in the woods. A crescent moon above them. Valerie couldn't help but laugh as Jed pushed her against a tree, just before his lips were pressed against hers. His hands were on Valerie's waist as the kiss deepened and the two supernatural teenagers found themselves making out. 

One thing led to another and soon enough, the makeout session in the woods turned into full blown sex. Valerie felt that it was a bit stupid of herself to lose her virginity in the woods, but it wasn't like it could be anywhere else. There was people everywhere in the Salvatore school and Valerie shared a room with a best friend Hope. It wasn't like they could do it anywhere else.

  Valerie and Jed quickly got dressed when they heard voices nearby. They did so in just enough time before Ophelia approached the two, shining her flaslight in Valerie's face to get her annoyed, "Alaric and I crashed your party once again," Ophelia revealed to Valerie, "You suck at keeping these things private." She paused, looking over at Jed.

 Ophelia smirked, shining her flashlight at him, "Your fly's done," She told him, causing both Jed and Valerie's eyes to widen as Jed quickly zipped it up,"I don't even want to know what you two did, okay? I'm just gonna go..." She trailed off before turning to Valerie, "You better be back at the school in twenty minutes."

 And with that, Ophelia walked off, causing Valerie to let out a breath of relief as she turned to Jed, "Sorry about that. My mom can be a bit weird at times."

"Are you kidding?" Jed asked in disbelief, "Your mom just caught us hooking up and just walked away. Any other adult at this school would have told Dr. Saltzman, who would have suspendeded us."

 Valerie chuckled, "Maybe you're right, but that's only because my mother still acts like she's our age. She's stuck in the body of a twenty-two year old woman." She explained to him, "Listen, I better get back. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Jed nodded his head, just before Valerie walked off.


  Months later, Jed and Valerie were still hooking up with each other, but never ended up becoming more than that. To say the least, deep down, Valerie was starting to feel for the boy, but never wanted to admit it outloud. The two teenagers found different places for them to hook up and Valerie even sometimes used her magic to allow them to sneak out of the Salvatore School.

  One afternoon, Valerie was sitting down at a table in the lunch hall with Hope, who barely spoke at all, too busy being in deep thought, "What are you thinking about?" Valerie asked her best friend curiously.

 Hope immediately turned her head to look at Valerie directly in the eye, shaking her head, "Oh, it's nothing." She replied, but Valerie could tell that she was lying. Realizing that Valerie always knew when she was telling a lie, Hope let out a sigh, "Fine, I'll tell you," she paused for a brief moment, "You know Jed?"

 Valerie nodded her head in response, "Yeah, I've talked to him a few times inthe classes we have together. He's the Alpha of the werewolves here at school," She replied, not bothering to mention the other way she knew Jed, "Why?"

"I heard him and a few of his inner circle pack members talking," Hope informed her and Valerie continued to give Hope a puzzled look.

"About?" She questioned the female tribrid curiously. Hope remained quiet, looking hesitant to tell her friend the rest, "Hope, whatever it is, you can tell me. Just spill it already. I'm dying to know now."

"They were talking about you, Valerie," Hope informed her best friend quietly, leaning forward in their seat, "They're looking to get you into their pack. He also mentioned that he's been sleeping with you just to get closer to you. Is it true?"

 Valerie became enraged when she heard the girl's words and Hope's eyes widened in shock as she looked down to see Valerie bending the fork in her hand with her magic.

 Valerie suddenly stood up and before Hope could follow after her, the female hybrid was out of sight. Valerie walked down the hallway, in search of Jed. She soon found him, standing in the corrider with a few of his pack members.

 She approached the group with a fake smile on her face, acting as if she was in a happy mood, "Hey, Jed?" She called out, causing the group of boys to turn their heads to look at her, including Jed, "Can we go somewhere private? I want to speak to you about something."

 Jed shared a glance with the rest of his friends, trying hardest to supress the smirk growing on his face. He quickly turned to Valerie, nodding his head, "Yeah, sure. Let's go." He replied, allowing Valerie to grab his hand before she brought him into the woods, in the direction of the abandoned mill, which was a place the students at the Salvatore School went to party, all thanks to Valerie, the founder. She had always been the partying type, Ophelia's behavoir must have rubbed off on her.

"So where are we going this time?" Jed asked curiously as he continued to follow Valerie through the woods. 

Valerie suddenly stopped walking, right when they were in the middle of the woods, not even bothering to go to the mill to get her vengence on Jed. Valerie kept her back facing Jed as she spoke up, "Is it true that you've been sleeping with me just so you can get close enough to convince me to join the pack?" She asked Jed, balling her hand tightly into a fist as she tried her best to contain her anger. 

"Look," Jed spoke up quickly, trying his hardest to make it seem like he wasn't guilty, "It wasn't like that. I-I do want you to join the pack, but that's not why I was--"

 Valerie could instantly tell that he was lying. She could just sense it. Suddenly, Valerie whipped her body around, punching Jed right in the jaw. 

 Jed stumbled back, just before Valerie used her magic to cause Jed to be thrown against a nearby tree. Valerie growled, her fangs coming out and her yellow eyes glowing.

 "You used me, Jed. I was actually starting to like you, too. But whatever. I'll be over it once I get you back."

"No, no, Val, please, don't," Jed pleaded as Valerie allowed her claws to grow, just before she lunged at him, causing the male werewolf to scream out as Valerie began to claw his face, the anger inside of her getting the best of her, once again.

 AN: And that is the story on Jed and Valerie. Someone asked for it and I thought I'd be a great filled chapter until the next episode airs. Anyways, I hope you liked it.

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