Start from the beginning

Goku: then why don't you come with me?

Whis: goku I have a duty and that is to watch my lord and Im forced to stay here.

Goku: well that sucks anyway see ya whis.

*goku vanishes into the portal*

Whis: I hope you do bring food back.


*goku is thrown out of the portal above a island*

Goku: WOAH! oh...oh man at least I wasn't thrown to the ground huh? I see 3 women fighting against 1. wow and they have strong power too I can sense it.

???: Give up purple heart your making a big mistake trying to fight 3 of us at the same time!

purple heart: I will never lose even against the 3 of you ill remain victorious.

???: I'l show you to not get cocky!

*??? charges toward purple heart but purple heart dodges her hammer attack

*??? tries to hit purple heart with her spear but misses her attack*

*??? hits purple heart from behind with her sword and kicks her down to the ground*

Goku: now teaming up against one is not fair...hehe yah im the one to talk after we ganged up on jiren in the final moments hehe.

*purple heart tries to hit ??? but she misses and ??? lands a blow to her stomach*

purple heart: ARGH!!! dammit take this!

*??? dodges her attack again and ??? hits her sword out of her hand*

purple heart: DAM!

???: I'll land the final blow!

*??? lands her attack only to be blocked by goku*


Goku: My name is goku and it's not fair to be teaming up against one person alone.


*??? attacks goku but he dodges it with difficulty*

Goku: heh you've got some power for sure.

???: And your not a normal person as I thought.

Goku: care to tell me your names first?

black heart: my name is black heart but you can just call me noire.

White heart: I'm white heart but I mostly go by the name blanc.

Green heart: im green heart so just call me vert.

Purple heart: My name is purple heart and my other name is neptune only when im out of this form as you can see im struggling fighting these 3 CPUs and I was about to get knock off but thank you for joining in the last second

Goku: its no problem so when you said out of this form you mean you can transform too?

purple heart: uhh yes

White heart: HEY less chit chat and more fighting!

Goku: Dont worry ill handle this.

*Goku transforms into super saiyin 2 (SS2)*

SS2 Goku: Now lets see what you are made of now that I finally get to fight a new opponent.

*Goku charges and attacks black heart but she dodges her attack*

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