Author's Note

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Hey guys! I am hyperventilating right now because I have almost 900 reads! That may not seem like a lot to you, but it means a lot to me. It means so, so, so, so much to me that you guys read and enjoy my stories. I haven't gotten any negative comments on anything so far and I hope it stays that way but if it doesn't, I'm okay with that because I've dealt with hate before and I can deal with it now. And in case you're wondering if I ever do anything with the social life I don't have, the most exciting thing I did today was buy eight books. Yes, eight books. All very good books though. So yeah. I don't do anything. If you have anymore questions about the life I don't have, comment them and I will try to answer. You can't believe how excited I am about this. It seems like only yesterday that I was starting this. I love you guys and always will! Bye.

                                                    xxxx castielsbee

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