What's Changed?

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Barry blinked still wondering what he had meant.

Shaking his head he entered the house to find Joe and Wally having a beer by the fireplace. He walked as fast as he could over to Wally and hugged him tightly. He was okay. He was unharmed.

"What's this for?"

"Just glad you're here." Barry said, smiling.

Joe and Wally looked at him oddly as he looked around the room. He felt as if he had traveled to the Twilight Zone, which is what had basically happened.

"You okay?" Joe asked.

Barry sat down on the couch, running his hand along the familiar smooth leather.

"I am now, yeah."

His eyes spotted the throw on the back of the couch, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. He'd never seen it before. It was a plain light brown color. He wondered briefly what had happened to the throw Iris had bought for Christmas.

"You just lost your father, Barry. You don't have to be okay."

Barry shook his head. "Actually, I feel closer to my parents then I ever have."

"Well, good son."

Joe handed Barry a beer.

Wally raised his glass. "To your Pops."

"To Henry."

"To my dad."

Clinking of the three bottles rang through the room. Barry took a drink and looked around.

"Where's Ella, Iris, and everyone else?" The two men stared at Barry in offense.

Joe looked especially offended.

"That ain't funny."
He set his bottle down and pointed to Barry. "I'm gonna chalk that up to grief. I'll see you both in the morning."

Barry and Wally were then left alone as Joe went up stairs.
He looked at Wally in alarm. "W-what was that about?"

"Are you kidding me? You know Iris isn't here."


"They don't talk, Barry. You know that."

Wally walked up stairs, leaving Barry in shock.

He sat down on the couch realizing that even when he had tried to fix things he had only messed up everyone's lives.

"What did I do?"

After sitting there for a moment Barry decided he had to go see Ella and tell her about everything.

Racing to Ella's apartment he knocked on her door. He heard someone call from inside. A few seconds later the door opened, but it wasn't Ella who answered it.


"Hey, Barry."

"W-what are you doing here? Where's Ella?" Barry asked in confusion.

Iris looked at him strangely with worry. "Barry, Ella doesn't live here anymore. You know that."

Barry blinked. "Okay? Well do you know where I can find her tonight?" He asked trying to act normal.

"Barry are you okay?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I just want to see Ella." He answered not understanding why she wouldn't tell him where Ella was.

"Well, I'm afraid you're a year and a half late, Bare."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Iris sighed. "If only you would have felt this way a year ago." She muttered.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt