I turned into my butterfly form, panting slightly since turning into it so many times seemed to tire me...

I dodged another blast and as his hand glowed green and was ready to fire-

Eclipsa stood in his path and Toffee's eyes widened...

"Eclipsa- Wha-"

"Toffee.... Don't hurt her. I want this as much as you do but she understands! She understands what I felt!"

"Really? You think she knows what it feels like to be outcasted just because of the way you look? You think she. A MEWMAN. Knows what it feels like to be a monster??? Really????"

Eclipsa seemed to hesitate...

"Don't be stupid 'Clipsy! You think she's actually gonna give you what you want?! She's just using you! Can't you see that?!"

Eclipsa seemed to go tense and I took this as my moment:

"Don't listen to him! Please, just stand down and once I'm in the thrown I'll make sure to make everything right for monsters! Monsters will no longer be outcasted and Monsters and Mewmans will be able to live in harmony! Just tell your guards to stand down!"

Eclipsa turned to me and her eyes seemed to sadden as she said these words:

"I'm sorry, princess."

She took a step to the side, out of Toffee's line of fire and stepped back beside him...

"But that goes against all I've worked for."

And just like that Toffee was firing toward me again...

I growled and made my hands glow...


And so, the final battle began.

-Marco's POV:







"W-We have to get out of here! What if Eclipsa took her! What if Eclipsa took Star! What if they're hurting her- What if-"


I froze and looked toward the cell next to mine.

Kelly was glaring daggers at me, she had bags under her eyes, her blue hair was wild and undone and she was skinnier than usual...

"That- Those- Those were the first words you've spoken for days!"

She only rolled her eyes.

"That's because while you guys have been going insane rotting inside this cell I've been coming up with a plan..." She smirked...

"Every hour the guards take about 5 minutes to switch places... which is 5 minutes left unattended. I'm gonna pick the lock and we get out of here. Okay?"

I nodded, too stunned to say anything...

"They should switch in 3...........2.............1!"

"SWITCH!" We heard the guards scream outside...

Kelly quickly went to work and before I knew it, she had her cell and mine opened wide....

I was stunned to say the least but nonetheless followed her out...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now