Cold Candlewicks

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One less candle is lit.


One less flame flickers rebelliously against the night.

Unprotected from the cold,

The wind,

The elements,

The flame that once defiantly danced across the darkness,

A bright beacon of resistance setting smoldering candles ablaze,

The flame that chased shadows away,


This candle's wick grows cold,

Like the ones before it,

Never to be lit again.

It has burned all it can,

But the brightness it brought burns on.

We are the smoldering candles set ablaze from its flame.

We shall continue its defiant dance across the darkness.

We shall continue setting other candles ablaze and chasing away the shadows.

The night will not win,

For we are many.

As the Light FadesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang