Burn Out

146 18 12


We light a fire

In your memory,

Dancing flames swaying to the pulsing rhythmic hatred that killed you,

Burning wax dropping like teardrops,

Staining the hot pavement beneath our worn out feet,

Feet worn out from miles of marching,

Months of marching,

Years of marching,





We've marched,

We've shouted,

We've cried,

We've pleaded to be recognized as humans that matter,

Fought for laws that will never fairly be applied by the corrupted system,

Broken windows to fill the vast holes ripped from our hearts, 

But too many cracks have fragmented our souls.


We are still


And yet to each other we are everything.

So for you,

We light another candle,

We once again say 

Never again.

We whisper our good-byes with a promise to seek justice.

And we wait

Until there's another...

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