Chapter Fourteen

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     I growled as soon as Zayne let me take control. My fangs were bared and my eyes shown a vibrant violet color. I was utterly pissed and wanted my little boy in my arms. I took a quick glance to my two mates. They were both in full control and looked outright pissed as well. But not at Tyke… No they were pissed at me. Oh fuck… I gotta get Ray and run…
      I made it to the top of the stairs before being yanked back by strong arms. Lake stood in front of me,blocking my view from the boy I wanted. It seemed they were still in the Living room catching up.
    “You listen here, love. If you don't drop this claim you have on the poor boy you won't be able to walk for weeks. Do you understand, Fallen?” A choked whine left my lips as Rune picked me up. He was taking me further away from Raydon and the further he took me, the further I got sad.
     My eyes shifted back to their regular color as they filled with tears. “I-I want my l-little boy…” At this point I was choking on sobs and trembling in Rune's arms. He sat me gently on the bed before crouching in front of me. I sniffled as Lake pulled me back against his chest, letting me rest between his open thighs.
      “Fallen, love. I know you love the boy dearly but you can't keep him forever. He found his mate and needs to help bring his kingdom back. He can't do that with you constantly on his butt. So do the boy a favor and break the claim with him. Please, darlin’?” I nodded shakily and waited for the three of us to ge comfortable.
      I was leaning against Rune's chest, between his thighs. Much like the position I was in with Lake. Lake was now facing me as he straddled my thighs. “Will it hurt, Angel?” I was asking Lake this because he once was a warrior in their kingdom and would know more about Fae's emotions and physical barriers.
     “Just a bit. It'll feel like a tug then a quick snap. It'll tire him out, but it won't harm him permanently.” I nodded silently before closing my eyes. I didn't want to do this but it was for the best I suppose. I didn't want to be the reason the boy was hurt.

     I watched in worry as my little dragon fly went pale. A soft glow started to outline his wide eyes along with his leaf birthmark. I quickly placed my forehead against his and connected our thoughts. His were absolute chaos as his Fae,Leon, yelled. He can't break it! It'll kill us both! Harlow?? Harlow if you're listening please don't let Fallen break it… He put a claim for a reason and it'll kill us if he breaks it. He's our soul protector… like the stories ma used to read me. Please…
     I quickly shifted out before standing with my shaking boy in my arms. I followed the scents of the three before barging into his room. Two sets of eyes landed on me before growling. Zayne was a sweating and shaking heap between the two. “Get the fuck out!” I growled back and walked further into the room.
     “Make him stop. You'll kill them both. Leon is freaking the hell out and do you not see the state your mate is in? This isn't just a normal claim and a normal break of it. They're bound to each other. So stop before he goes any further.” They didn't listen to me until a pitiful wet cough passed my baby's lips. They could smell the blood as could I. My gaze turnt towards Zayne as he whimpered. A trail of blood tears left his closed eyes.
     “Fuck...Fallen,baby. Can you hear me? You have to stop. You can't break it. Stop,love.” I stiffened as another bloody cough left my dragonfly’s lips. They both let out a soft choked cry before going limp. I cursed and rushed to check for my love's heartbeat. It was slow and unsteady but there. Meaning Zayne stopped.
     “Watch him. I don't know how this will go so check on him often. I'll be with Ray in his room.” i shut the door after me before finding the room that had my mate's scent clinging to it. I climbed into the king sized bed before pulling my love close to my chest. He was still trembling but not nearly as bad. His lungs also seem to be clear so no more blood coughs which I was grateful for.
    “Goodnight, dragonfly. Sweet dreams.” I smiled as he let let out a soft sigh before nuzzling closer into my chest. I so desperately missed this.




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