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      A soft whine left me as the sun filtered through the blinds. I was too comfortable to move or wake up. I nuzzled into the warmth again and tried to fall back asleep but I was startled by long fingers stroking my hair.
      "Good morning, Angel." I relaxed seeing as it was only master and leaned into his hand. He let out a soft chuckle that jostled me slightly. I opened my eyes and blushed. I was lying into masters chest.
      He had a book in one hand and his other was in my hair. He looked really pretty.
      I sat my book down and sat up after placing my hand on my loves lower back and the back of his curly head. He was so small and looked like a toddler in this position. It would be a lie if I said I didn't think he was utterly adorable.
     His big green eyes were staring up at me innocently with his freckled cheeks a light hue of red. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.
     It was past ten and he needed breakfast. I stood and smiled as Raydon wrapped his legs around my waist before laying hid head on my shoulder. I moved my hand to his bum to keep him steady and my other rubbed soothing circles down his back.
      Micha was making breakfast in the kitchen as Mal pouted at his mate. It seemed Micha was ignoring my best friend. I laughed softly. "Why so pouty, Mal?"
      "Micha won't let me help. And now he's ignoring me." My love's head popped up at the sound of Micha's name and nearly jumped out of my arms. I stumbled foward and let out a warning grunt.
     Ray quickly settled and looked back at me with the biggest pout. I rubbed my thumb across his lower lip and shook my head. "He's cooking, love. You can see him once he's done." He went to bite my finger but froze when the door bell rang.
      I kissed his curls and walked to open the door. I wasn't expecting anyone to be over so having my brother's sent invade my senses almost made me turn back around. I loathed my brother and he knew he wasn't welcome.
       "Go away. You know you aren't welcome so leave." Ray looked terrified as he shoved his face into my neck.
        "You have something I want, Zay. It was mine before you stole it." I frowned in confusion at his words and my loves sudden whimper and trembling.
         "Here. I can take him while you deal with dipshit out there." Ray was hesitant at first but quickly clung to Mal when I handed him off. "We'll be in the theater room. Micha is still making breakfast." I nodded and opened the door after the walked off.
       "Damn you're covored in its scent. Where is it?" I honestly didn't know what my brother was looking for so I just gave him a look. He sighed and wove his fingers in his spiky black hair. "The boy. Red sent him back and I went to today's auction to see if he was still alive but supposedly he was sold to a very important man. AKA you. So where is he?"
      I stepped foward and growled lowly. I was beyond livid at this point knowing my sadistic brother has layed his filthy hands on my boy. All he did was smirk.
       "I'll get him then. Come here, Slut! Front door, now!" I went to send my fist into his face but the sudden sound of scurrying small feet made me look down the hall. My love was running clumsily as Mal chased after him. But before he could catch him the breathless boy was on his knees infront of my grinning brother.
      "Hello, Kitten. You look better since I last seen you." I froze at the look on my boys face. He was gone. Completely submissive and void of any emotion. It was honestly heartbreaking to see.
      "He's been bought and claimed. Meaning he is no longer yours, Master William. So please leave." Micha moved to crouch infront of Raydon. My brother was seething but before he could grab Micha's hair Mal had him against the wall.
       "Touch him and I will rip you apart. He's MINE." His wolf was clearly in control which was good. He was stronger than my brother. I looked back down and saw a soft smile on Micha's face as he grabbed Ray's face.
        "Raydon. You need to come back okay? Zayne misses you. Remember your new master. He misses you so much and desperatly needs you. I need you too. Whose gonna be my best friend if not you? Whose going to help me cook and watch movies with? You aren't there anymore. You aren't a slave anymore. You're you. Just you. So be yourself. Not something you aren't." Micha sighed in relief as my boy suddenly snapped his head to me. I smiled softly and gently picked him up when he reached for me.
       "D...daddy..." My face heated up at the name.

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