Chapter Thirteen

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     I awoke to the most addicting scent. It was familiar but I couldn't place where I've smelt it before. I stumbled out of Zayne's bed and down the stairs. As I got closer to the soft voices my heart fluttered erratically.
      I could hear Zayne and his mates talking in hushed voices along with a much deeper but soft one. It made blood rush to my cheeks in a feirce blush and butterflies form in my stoumach.
      "Mine... I need to see him Evan. This isn't a joke." I stopped in my tracks beside the cracked door and bit my lip. I didn't want to just barge in... That's rude and if I was needed then master would have waken me.
       "Angel... I can hear your heartbeat. Come here,love." My cheeks warmed even more as Master spoke. I forgot he was a vampire... How stupid.
     He smelt just like he did so long ago. Peaches with a hint of vanilla. The perfect scent for a beautiful boy. I knew he was mine as soon as they opened the door. His smell clung to Every thing in the house. The strongest was upstairs and the long haired man that stood infront of me.
     I haven't seen my little dragon fly in years and I was getting impatient. I thought he was dead and them keeping him away was starting to piss me and my wolf off. I'm a hybrid. Part Fae. Part were. My most dominant was my were side which let me know that my mate was close. And it was the boy I've been dreaming about since the accident.
      "Mine...I need to see him Evan. This isn't a joke." My words weren't harsh but he still flinched slightly. Most people were intimidated by me. I was extremely cold and emotionless but I had to. I was in charge of keeping the fae alive.
       I snapped out of my thoughts as Zayne called in my dragon fly. He hasn't changed much. He still had his dark crazy curls, bright green eyes and sprinkled freckles across his cheeks. He was absolutely beautiful.
       I smiled widely and stepped forward. "Hello, little dragon fly." His head snapped to me as I spoke making my wolf purr at the attention. I opened my arms as a look of recognition crossed his face.
     Dragon fly... That nickname made shards of memories fly through my hectic thoughts. Memories of me when I was only small and a boy a little older with the same milky brown eyes the man had before me. I remember being so content and happy with him. So when he opened his arms I threw myself at him.
     He caught me with a laugh and wrapped me in a soft hug. I had my legs wrapped around his waist tightly as I hugged him. Something in my brain was yelling at me to never let him go and I was honestly considering it.
      I didn't realize I was crying until he starting whispering soothing things in my ear. "Shhh, love. I'm here now. You'll be safe." I whimpered and clung to him harder.
      "Angel... Are you okay?" I stiffened as Zayne pulled at my waist softly. He was trying to pull me into his arms but the man's growl stopped his soft tugs.
       "He's MINE." A shiver went down my spine as my cheeks warmed.
       "Stay wif him..." I was embarrassed by my speech making me shove my face into a warm broad shoulder. Strong fingers wove through my hair enticing a purr of delight pass my parted lips.
       I frowned as my Angel clung to the warrior. My vampire was getting overly possesive and wanted my boy back in his arms but I knew Tyke wouldn't let that happen unless Ray wanted to.
      "Lets move to the living room where it's more comfortable. Anyone want drinks?" I forced a smile as Zero kissed my hair.
      "J-juice..." Raydon spoke softly but Zero still heard.
      "Water would be nice. Thank you." My vampire growled at hearing his voice making me flinch. This was going to be harder than I thought.
      We all got comfortable in the living room. Zero had me in his lap as Evan stroked my thigh. My vampire was still seething as we watched the warrior whisper in my Angel's ear. Ray was giggling away as he clung to the older man.
       "You have got to calm down,Z... They're mates and Ray is really happy with him." Zero kissed just behind my ear after whispering softly.
        "Fallen put a claim on him as his own... It's not just me Zero. He's so pissed and possesive." Zero sighed and stood up with me in his arms. Evan quickly stood and rubbed my back softly.
       "Please excuse us. It's late and we all need some rest. Raydon can show you to his room. We can all talk in the morning. Goodnight." As we went up the stairs Zero said in a deep and harsh voice. "Come out to play little Fallen. You're causing quit a bit of trouble,love."
       At that point I knew two things. One,this was Rune talking and two... Fallen was absolutely fucked. I slipped back into the safety of my mind,letting Fallen take over.

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