TLPF Chapter 10

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I have not felt this much freedom in such a long time. The wind whips against my face and I close my eyes, tilting back my head. Sitting on my horse, letting him lead feels like heaven. Then my heart sinks when I realize that my family might never again feel such bliss. I somber and let my horse trot after Prince Augustine. It is hard to imagine that such an imposing creature had once been a prince, now forgotten among the stone walls and gargoyles belonging to his keep.

His shoulders are stiff beneath his heavy cloak that he has donned and the hood is up, covering his horns, fur, and snout. Much as he had a week ago it seems like when he had rescued me from those hungry wolves that were going to devour me right outside his estate. I shudder to think if he had not gotten there in time, what could have become of me.

Snow dances on my eyelashes, as we urge the horses to a slow, steady trot. The heavy wet snow clinging to the skeletal tree branches high above our heads. My breath fogs whenever I part my lips and I shiver in my thin cloak, wishing for the fur that is on the prince's back. My cheeks flush red, even as my poor ankle pounds. My body feels relieved that I do not have to move around as much as I am sitting on my mount, however, I know I will feel the pain of saddle bruises on my thighs once I climb off.

"My lord, where are we going?" I desperately want to ask him if we ought to turn back. We have urged the horses to climb up a small hill and I fear that the horses might have a bit of trouble going back down the same way, even with all the extra snow that has seemed to never stop since I have arrived.

Prince Augustine turns his cloaked head towards me and says in a loud voice. "I want to show you coming, do not fear, we shall not tarry long." Then he turns back and urges his black stallion to move a bit faster, my horse keeping pace. I bite the inside of my cheek, even as he leads to a small little outcropping field house just a few distances away.

I have to squint beneath my hood to even see the field house even as we approach closer. I am not sure as to why the prince has brought me here, but I will not show shame.


Prince Augustine helps me dismount, after being sure that the horses are tied up. The prince claims we will not tarry long at the field house, but that he has something he wants me to see. I am confused as to what he wants to show me, even as he helps escort me into the house, where the walls are comfortable and it is not freezing as it is outside. He leads me to a small wooden chair and helps me sit down, before going outside to check on the horses. When he returns, he shuts the door a little, and takes the empty space across from me.

"What did you wish for me to see?" I ask curiously.

Prince Augustine smiles, his snouting wrinkling and his teeth flashing in the dim lighting. "This." He reaches underneath his cloak and pulls out the most intricate piece of silver I have ever laid eyes on. He turns it over and hands it to me so that I might further inspect it.

"It is a looking glass!" I say, surprised. I brush my fingertips over the upraised vines and feel the rose on the back. My reflection looks haggard, awful even. Dark bruises underline my eyes, my dark brown mousy hair is out of place even with the black hair net, and my brown eyes are wide.

"Yes. I received it when I was cursed." Augustine says and I lower the looking glass to study him.

"You were cursed." I say the words slowly as if somehow it might cause him fear to talk about his past.

Augustine nods, his blue eyes are troubled, and I am not sure what he is thinking about. "Yes, I was cursed. I was at the prime of my youth, wanting nothing but the best. Even if my kingdom suffered for it." He leans on his knees, staring at the wood floor. "I taxed the townspeople, so much so that they revolted against me, and sent a letter to neighboring kingdoms asking to rally against me, so that I might step down as their future king." He says bitterly.

"How tragic." I whisper. To know that his own people would try to forcefully have him step down was shocking. But how had he been cursed?

"The people won and I stepped down from the throne. Running to the estate where I now live, I went into hiding. And then she came." He sighs and shakes his head. Fur flying up into his eyes, but he does not seem to mind.

"She?" I ask, my eyebrows pulling together into a frown.

"Yes. 'She', more importantly named Sarabi. I thought she beautiful, until she cursed me." Augustine looks sad and I wish to comfort him, but I do not know what I would say.

"Why would she curse you? What had you possibly done to deserve it?" I question.

Augustine looks at me and my pulse races. "I do not know. I have been mulling over this for years. I not only cursed myself, but I cursed the people that cared about me as well."

"Marymagglyn, London...All of them?"

He nods, "Correct." He sighs and gets up. "I want you to have this looking glass." He says, reaching out to tap the curved edge with his claw. "It will show you anything you desire, anything at all."

I look down at the looking glass mirror and then clutch it to my chest. "Why bring me here, for only this gift?"

"Sometimes," Augustine says, and then sighs, before continuing, "Sometimes it is best not to bring up the past." Then he beckons that we take our leave.

He helps me mount the horse, before climbing atop his stallion, as we leave the field house, I whisper to the looking glass when I am sure he is not looking. "Show me my family." When nothing but ash is shown in the looking glass, I stifle a sob and bring it closer to my chest, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out.


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