T.L.P.F. Chapter 5

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My heart beats hard against my breast-bone and I swallow loudly, when the shadow hovering behind me rumbles loudly. The gargoyles in front of me remain still as stone, but they do not seem afraid. I don't know if the beast behind me knows that I'm afraid of him, even as he stalks around the chair and moves towards the gargoyles, barely sparing me a glance. I sag against the chair in relief that his anger won't be taken out on me.

"What is going on here?" The beast spats and I flinch at his condescending tone. I would much prefer him have the soft spoken voice that I know is probably somewhere deep down inside him. What am I thinking? My hand comes to my cheek in shock. I'd never think that about him, he's a monster!

"My lord, we were just about to serve the lady some breakfast." Marymagglyn says with the sourdough bread and a small brick of cheese in her claws. She stares up at him, but does not flinch. "Would you care to break your fast, and join her?"

A flicker of hope expands my chest, at the thought that perhaps the beast would care to join me in breaking our fast before the morning dawn. "No." The word is sharp on his tongue and my chest seems to deflate as if I've sunk down into the dark depths of a river, as he turns on his heels and doesn't bother to acknowledge my presence, before strutting out of the room on all fours.

I try not to scowl, even as Marymagglyn hands me my food. I rip a small piece of the bread and stuff it in my mouth. "I cannot stand him. He is rude and arrogant." I say as I chew.

The female gargoyle's wings twitch as she folds them against her shoulder-blades. "Don't take it personally my dear. He's always been like that."

"Why is he this way? What caused him to become..." I stop and swallow, feeling the bread wanting to get caught in my throat. I swallow harder and it goes down, but I don't bother continuing to finish my sentence.

Cogin huffs as he steps forward, wrinkling his sharp nose. "Do not bother to tell the lady Ms. M, she does not need to know the master's secrets."

 My back straightens and my eyes widen in surprise. Curious now, I leave the food untouched in my lap as I tilt my head, "Secrets? What secrets?"

"Oh now you've done it! Cogin the master will surely have your head served on a silver platter." London grumbles under his breath as he moves over to smooth out his wrinkled yellow vest.

I frown, "I did not mean to cause any offense. I am merely curious about the lord of the estate."

Marymagglyn nods, her eyes turning sad. "It was a very long time ago, I doubt I remember too well. The master will tell you when he is ready."

I slump against the chair and find myself not as hungry as I once was. "Might I explore the estate a bit? I need to stretch my leg." I motioned to the bandaged ankle and Marymagglyn agrees, but not before sending Cogin and London along with me, giving me the grand tour that I unfortunately had wanted by myself.


The grand tour was agonizingly slow and brutal on my poor injured foot. I did not once complain as I thought the gargoyles would surely escort me back to my chambers and I didn't want that. I wanted to find out where the stupid rose was hiding, but all the rooms they showed me, I limped around trying to figure out if I had stolen a piece of property, where would I hide it?

Then perhaps it dawned on me when I asked about the west wing again, and the two male gargoyles looked nervous and refused to speak up about it. Then I feigned tiredness and began to climb the stairs one at a time. They watched round the corner to head to my chambers, and then I stopped, waiting for them to disappear back to the servants quarters.

When their voices were long out of earshot, I poke my head around the corner and smile when they are gone. I move and glance around, finding the west wing will not be easy. But I have no choice, the witch and my family are counting on me, and I don't want them to think that I am a failure and a disgrace. 

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