The look he gave me sent a smile to my face. I don't know how he does it. He has the power to make me smile in the hardest times. 

Just the way his eyes glistened was enough to make me crazy. We were staring at each other intensely. We weren't speaking but our eyes were having a conversation of their own.

Suddenly, he put his hands behind my head, and we were slowly leaning in, our lips almost connecting. I yearned for him. For the intimate contact we were about to have. 

Just as we were about to kiss, Johnny barged in with the supplies. 

Pony and I jumped away from each other, blushing like crazy. I was mad at Johnny for ruining that moment. I was just about to kiss him, and I could tell he was thinking the same thing as me.

Nonetheless, we both got up and we went to where Johnny was standing. His face was red, and he must've felt bad for barging in like that.

"Did I interrupt anything?" he asked.

"N-no don't worry." Pony denied, with a light pink tint on his cheeks.

"What did you get anyways?" I asked, desperately wanting to change the subject.

"Just a few necessities." He said, starting to get things out of the box.

"A loaf of bread, peanut butter, a week's supply of baloney..." He went on listing what he got, but I was totally zoned out. 

The only thing on my mind was Ponyboy, and the events that had just occurred. The thought of someone actually liking me made me smile.

The only person who's ever actually cared for me before was Coral. And she wasn't here right now. She wasn't going to be here for another year.

I was suddenly brought back to reality by the boys arguing.

"No sir, you're not touching my hair." Pony said, grabbing the book that Johnny had in his hands and sitting down.

"What? What's going on? I zoned out." I stated, confused.

"Jonathan Cade here wants to cut our hair, and he wants to have mine bleached." Pony explained, while glaring at Johnny.

"We can't match our descriptions!" Johnny exclaimed, glaring back at Pony.

"Fine! But I don't want you to cut it, you'll make me look lousy."  Pony snapped back.

"Whatever man." Johnny said, putting his switchblade back in his pocket.

I got my red switchblade out and made my way over to Pony.

"Don't make it too short." He said, obviously hating this situation.

"Don't worry." I whispered, getting to work.

Pony kept whining every time I cut off a piece of his hair off, while Johnny just laughed at him.

"Pony quit whining like a bitch, or I'll just cut even more off." I threatened, causing him to finally shut up.

"Can I see now?" He asked. I sighed at him.

"No, we gotta bleach it first." I instructed, as if I was talking to a child. Well, technically I was.

After a few more minutes, I finished cutting it and handed him off to Johnny so he could bleach it.

The boys were gone and I looked around a little.

I got out a mirror that we found in the back of the church. It was shattered but we could still see our reflection fairly well.

I took my switchblade and held it up to my hair, chopping it off. I made it a little longer than shoulder length.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't enough, I needed to change something else, I still looked like myself but with shorter hair.

I looked at my face, and my eyes landed on my forehead. I raised my arm, got some hair and chopped it off, giving myself some curtain bangs.

I had a huge chunk of hair in my hand, but I just let it drop on the floor.

I looked at myself in the mirror again.

I guess I'd have to get used to this.

1119 words.

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