Chapter Seven

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A/N: To make up for how long this took to all my lovely readers, this may be the longest chapter to date. I apologize for the actions parts of this chapter. Action isn't my strong suit. I hope you enjoy, and I will do my best to update more often.

Chapter Seven

Mr. Mercier didn't return to class until Wednesday of that week.

I hadn't even realized until first hour that day. I had been doodling on my notebook, only semi-listening to the teacher talk. Even without glancing his way, I knew Gabriel was staring at me. That green eyed stare was burning holes into my skin and making it that much harder to concentrate on my drawings. Dealing with Gabriel was even less appealing than usual because my energy levels were already low enough. The guy just had to be a leech and take every single last drop of my energy whenever he talked to me.

“Adele,” he whispered, lowly. He repeated my name several times rapidly, making my annoyance rise.

“What?” I snapped, glaring at him.

Of course, he was smiling. He was always smiling that weird smile. It stretched across his face, so his large too white teeth were gleaming at me. “You may want to be nice to me, Summers. I don't have to tell you what I know.”

I didn't let up on my glare, but sadly, my curiosity was peaked. I nibbled on my bottom lip, fighting an internal battle. Finally, after a long three seconds of thought, I surrendered. “What do you know, Gabriel?” I asked.

He put a finger up to his lip in an overly taunting manner. With the slight turn of his head, he adopted a purely psychotic look on his tanned face. “Wouldn't you like to know?” he purred.

The mocking tone in his voice made my anger rise- something that seemed to happen much easier than before. Everything made me angry, and Gabriel was only baiting me on to make it worse. Sadly, it was working. “What do you know?” I repeated, crossing my arms over my chest.

His eyes followed my ever motion, and they remained emotionless throughout the whole process. That damned smile never carried through to his eyes which was an unnerving sign at best. “It's about what your precious,” he spat the word out, “Mr. Mercier plans on doing to you. When I saw him this morning, I figured it all out in my head. He's always been so predictable.” he laughed, lowly.

Something similar to excitement ran through me, but I fought it down to keep my expression neutral. “What do you want in exchange for this information?” I asked, already not liking the situation.

He shifted his weight back, so he was reclined in his seat. It looked like he was showing off his long legs, but he could have been just stretching. Gabriel was silent for a moment, faking consideration. “I want to come over to your house for dinner, but it has to be just you and me.”

Shock kept me silent for a moment. Mr. Mercier's warning about never letting Gabriel into my house echoed throughout my mind like an angry wasp, but I ignored it. “Alright, you can come over, but you better tell me what you know.” I said. My voice didn't come out as strong as I wanted it, and the fact seemed to add fuel to Gabriel's fire.

“I'll be sure to tell you. Is tonight alright? I'm going to be good and famished.” he chuckled, as if I was missing some joke.

“I guess tonight would be okay.” I sighed. “Mom's not going to be home. Do you want me to cook or something? I'm not bad, but I'm not some five star chef either.” For a moment, I wondered why I was bothering to be good hostess. It wasn't like I actually wanted the weird guy in my house.

Gabriel licked his lips quickly; it was a gross motion at best. “Whatever will be fine.” he said, chuckling once more. The noise was just as cold as his smile; yet, it was still laced with humor. “Just insure whatever you make is nice and bloody.”

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