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(Haven's POV)

  I felt weak, and my head was spinning around and around in circles. Heavy, swirling smoke licked up at the sky, and the putrid smell of burning flesh reached my nostrils. I curled up in a fetal position as my senses dulled, and I felt myself slipping away.

E.J., help me... I can't move, and all I see the red of my blood staining the grass around me... My shoulder had gone numb, probably from the extreme amount of blood loss. Wind blew around my fragile and bleeding out body, whipping my red hair over my eyes. My lips let out a few involuntary whimpers. It's so cold... That was when my eyes fluttered close, and a tear dripped down my cheek.

I'm sorry E.J. I can't hold on any longer. We promised we would survive, but I messed up. At least he's gone now. Luke's dead, and you are safe. Oh, I'm so glad you're safe...

"Open your eyes, child." A gentle voice rang inside my ears.

Static filled my brain, and I cringed in protest. It took all my strength to complete the simple action. My blueish-green eyes blinked open lazily and trailed upwards. There stood an abnormally tall being that is dressed in a spotless black suit and tie. He had no facial features, and just a blank face.

"Who are you?"

"I am Slenderman, a colleague of Eyeless Jack. He used to live in my mansion before he went his own way. You are dying child, and these are your last few seconds before your own heart stops beating."

More hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I laid face down. I am never going to see E.J. again. That was obvious, so why was this being talking to me?

"I can hear everything you are thinking, child. I am here thanks to Nina. She told me about your problems. I teleported here as fast as I could."

"Are you going to help E.J.?"

"No, I am going to heal you. Hold still, this may be unbearable."

Slenderman's face ripped open to show jagged teeth, and I found myself tensed at this terrifying sight. He bent down and lifted me up effortlessly with one slender hand. Then, he bit down onto my shoulder that contained the wound from Luke. 

The most intense pain flowed throughout my entire body, and a piercing scream escaped my lips. It seemed like the pain would never go away, but I soon felt Slenderman's teeth leave my shoulder. I fell to the ground in a heap.

"There's no pain! I feel...I feel rejuvenated!" I gasped in shock.

"Indeed. I usually use that to brand my proxies, but I didn't allow my venom to enter your blood stream. I must go. You're lover is running towards us right this minute."

It all went black again, except I could actually open my eyes without a struggle. I could feel my arm again. I sat up and turned to examine my shoulder. There was no gaping hole, just blood stains of where it had bled out. 

"Incredible," I breathed. 


I whipped around to see a disheveled E.J. Running towards me. His brown hair was messy, and his clothes were ripped. His usual blue mask was even gone. I scrambled up to meet my partner. I could feel his strong and lean ash gray arms pull me in close, and I wrapped my arms around his torso, crying and smiling.

"We did it! We're fine!" I cried into E.J.'s chest.

E.J. held me tight, kissing my cheek, nose, and for head muttering words. I looked up towards him to meet his dark sockets, the black ooze running down his ash gray cheeks. He was more worried about me than I was about him. My God, I fucking care so much about him. 

My hands grabbed his face, and I leaned upwards to connect our lips. My hot lips danced with his cool ones, and I never wanted to stop. We had made it this far, and we survived. Now it was just E.J. and I...


Oh, and Thanes and Tornado. We both parted as we looked down to see our two felines gazing up at us. We are all going to be fine now.

"Haven, let's go inside. You need to rest. The cats and I will take care of the burning corpse."

"I want to help! I am perfectly fine!"

"Only because Slenderman saved you. I knew he was here. Static filled my head, and that usually means he was nearby."

"Oh... you knew..."

"Yeah, and I'm glad he saved you. I don't want to lose you, Haven I love you, even if you don't quite love me yet."



E.J. picked my body up bridal style, careful to not drop me. I blushed as I reminded the words he said to me in my tired mind.I couldn't believe that this amazing being felt that way about a hothead like me.



"I love you too."

E.J. stopped abruptly before snapping his gaze down onto me. His expression showed shock, but then a grin spread across his ash gray face. I felt myself blush under his gaze, and I tried to turn away. E.J. gripped my chin and smashed his lips into mine. 

Oh, the horror of our love, never so much blood... I thought to myself happily.  

Author's Note: Thank you for reading my Eyeless Jack Fanfiction. This is the end, and I remember how it felt to finally complete this story those four years ago as a fourteen year old. As I edited and posted this story here, I felt the same bittersweet emotions of accomplishing this story, but I was also sad I couldn't continue E.J.'s and Haven's story together. Thank you, my cherry blossoms, for reading this story of mine. You have no idea how much I care and appreciate everyone one of you. Let your days be filled with happiness and stars that shine bright in the night! 

No, I Want Your Heart (Eyeless Jack Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora