Chapter 39: 3 Days

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  (E.J.'s POV)

"Why is it so cold?!" 

I smirked a little under my mask. My stomach was a little full, which seemed like a new feeling for me because  it's been hard to find food since we've been on the run from Luke. 

"Ugh! This wind!" Haven complained.

She pulled up the hood of her purple hoodie with her face looking down. The temperature did seem to drop suddenly from yesterday. Maybe it's finally close to winter? I shuddered at the thought of enduring a harsh winter without shelter.

"You know, if you wore actual pants instead of shorts, you wouldn't be freezing," I commented.

Haven playfully shoved me from behind. I barely stumbled from her weak push. I turned around to face her. She was glaring at me, her blueish-green eyes sparkling with mischief. I cocked up one eyebrow. What was she up to? Suddenly, I was pinned to the ground, looking upwards to see Haven's face close to mine.

"What's the matter E.J.? You're supposed to be the big, bad cannibal," Haven teased.

I shifted a little bit from under her. Haven's long, brown hair flowed in the wind, and her cheeks were tinted a nice, rosy shade of red against her pale skin. I pulled her down on top of me, earning a yelp of surprise from her. I held her close and flipped us over.

"I am. Look who's on bottom now."

Haven stuck her tongue out at me and muttered a few curse words under her breath. I smiled from under my blue and black mask. A low chuckle erupted from my throat as I stared down at Haven's figure. How did I fall in love with this childish girl?

"Um, E.J.?"


"Can you get off me now?" Haven asked.

I immediately stood up. Haven dusted her shorts off before lifting herself up from the ground. I noticed that Thanes had appeared by her side, his golden pelt shining in the sun. He rubbed against Haven's legs, causing her to bend down and scratch him between the ears. I took that moment to study our map and surroundings.

The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with a deep, orange color. We would have to find shelter for the night soon. We made good progress today, and this only left us two days after tonight. I searched the map to see if there were any rest stops near this old, dusty road. Sadly, there wasn't. Earlier in the afternoon, we had made it past the numerous cornfields, only to travel on muddy, dusty roads and rockier terrains.


I whipped my head towards Haven, suspecting danger, but it was only Tornado tackling Thanes to the ground. Both toms wrestled for a moment before licking their fur. Tornado's silvery, grey pelt shone in the light. I returned to studying our map, the wind ruffling through my dark brown hair. As soon as we make it to our destination, I am getting a haircut! I closed the atlas and walked a few steps away from Haven and our cats. I rested my gray hands in my black hoodie's pocket. Now, where will we sleep tonight?

"Hey! Dumbass!" Haven yelled out in a temper. 

I shook my head as I heard her stomp towards me. Her hands were on her hips, and her eyebrows were furrowed.

 "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a decent spot to sleep. I think we should call it a day," I answered in an obvious tone. 

Haven snorted at my response.


 I grabbed her arm, making her follow me into the dusty, slightly rocky clearing. Haven ripped her arm from my grip and folded them across her chest. I sighed at her stubbornness as we walked around, looking for something that remotely looked like shelter. We both searched for another ten minutes before finding a random tree in the middle of the open clearing. Haven started to throw her duffel bag down and sprawled out on the soft, earthy ground. She closed her eyes.


Soon, I heard silent breaths emit from her. Did she really fall asleep that fast?! I let out a sigh and sat against the tree, sliding down the bark. I rubbed my temples out of stress and slipped off my heavy backpack. I glanced over to Haven's sleeping form, her chest rising and falling with every breath. Thanes and Tornado were sitting next to her, their ears twitching. I laid my head against the rough, brown bark of the tree. The tree branches were thick, and they stretched out to the orange sky. How long has it been since I've climbed a tree?

I slowly rose to my feet. I placed a grey hand on the bark and jumped up to the first branch. I caught my balance easily. I soon jumped to the next branch, and then the next one. I didn't stop until I was at the top. I sat on the last branch, my chest heaving from the vigorous exercise. I looked down from the treetop to see Haven still sleeping soundly. I grinned as I removed my mask. The wind blew steadily, causing a few chills. Hopefully, this tree shielded some of the wind from Haven. I placed my mask beside me as I gazed at the sky. Just a couple of more days, and we'll be safe from Luke! We just need to hang on a bit longer.  

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