Chapter 5: Paper Research

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(Haven's POV)
I sat at the computer researching for my English paper. Remember the one I told you about? Yeah.. So anyways, I was reading some horror stories, or most likely, I found some. They're actually a collection of horror stories called Creepypasta. I was trying to find some really scary characters for my paper. So far, none of them fit the spot. The closest one was Laughing Jack. I clicked on another link. It took me to a story called Eyeless Jack. I sat there and read his background story. My lips curled into a smirk. YES!!! I finally found the right character I want to write about for my essay- story!

I took out my black notebook and started jotting down notes on his background story. So, he was a cannibal? Once human, but now a monster? Interesting... Apparently he used a scalpel to cut open his victims' sides. Cool... Wait, that sounds like that killer I saw a week ago. I sat there, shuddering at the thought. There's been several more murders, but not as much as it was two weeks ago. No. He can't be Eyeless Jack. Stop being stupid Haven. I sighed and continued taking notes. It was seven at night. I should start going soon.

"Eyeless Jack always wore a mask to cover his face. " I read aloud. 

Again, that related to that guy I saw murder Darren. I kept reading. 

"The mask is blue.." I stopped right there.

That's way too close to the description of that murderer. I closed out of that and opened a new tab, holding in my breath as I typed in the name, 'Eyeless Jack.' I clicked on images... and there he was. That killer I saw popped up on the screen. Eyeless Jack is real..And I saw him, and he saw me... oh...DAMN!!!!! I sprinted out of the computer room and ran out the doors of the school.

"No!! He can't be real!!!" I screamed to myself.

I ran as fast as I could, fear stinging my heart in my chest. The cold air hurt my lungs. I was about to open the door to my house when I was knocked to the ground. I held my hands up in a pathetic attempt to protect myself. I opened one eye to see that Darren's decomposing body was lying on top of me. His side empty and his deteriorating face close to mine. I screamed and pushed his body off of me. I ran into my house only to be knocked down again by a heavy force. I fell flat to the floor. I gasped from the pain. Tears pricking my eyes. I looked up with a shocked gaze. He was sitting on top of me, his scalpel near my side.

I thrashed and grabbed the top of his scalpel. It ripped into my hand. I felt blood gushing out of my hand. I bit my lip. I won't show pain. Next, I elbowed him in the mask, knocking him off balance. I stood up, the scalpel in my hand. I pulled it out and it took skin with it. I sat there, clenching both of my fists. I was scared, but I wasn't going down without a fight. Eyeless Jack stood up and looked at me. I couldn't see his expression from his mask.

"Asshole." I said without thinking.

I dropped the scalpel, and for some reason, I kicked it over to him. Eyeless Jack grabbed his scalpel and lunged over to me. I hit the ground again. I was breathing heavy. I looked up to see the position we were in. His leg was between my two legs and he was laying on top of me. His hand was on my chest, holding me down. I felt myself blush furiously at this. Eyeless Jack cocked his head to the side.


Eyeless Jack bent down to where his mask was only inches from my face.
"No.." He said. I felt paralyzed from his stare.

I looked into his eyeholes and saw nothing. Was he really eyeless?  Eyeless Jack stood up and threw me on his shoulder. I looked at my hand. It was still bleeding viciously. I felt a little dizzy. I saw us leaving my house. That's when my senses kicked back in. I started kicking and punching for him to let go of me. I was about to rip off his mask. 

I reached inside to feel his lips against my hand. I shuddered at the sudden pain in my wrist. I pulled it out to see a huge bite mark on my wrist. That was bleeding harsher than the one I grabbed with the scalpel. Next thing I know, I black out from a sudden pain against my neck.

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