Chapter 11: I'm Your Slave

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  (Haven's POV)
I woke up into a dark room with a single light bulb lighting dangling from the ceiling. Where am I? I squinted at the pale yellow light. What happened? I eased myself off of..a wooden table? I scanned the area around me. I don't remember ever seeing this place... I just shrugged. To my left I saw an old staircase leading up to a door. I gingerly started bounding up the staircase. 

I blinked as bright  light reached my eyes. I looked around the room. I don't remember seeing anything like this. I took a step forward, looking towards what appeared to be a kitchen. I peeked into it. It looked pretty bare since there was just a table. I scratched my head in confusion. What is this place? I looked down at my hands. One was wrapped up pretty tight. Did I hurt myself?

"Oof!" I gasped, as I fell onto my stomach. 

I tried to get up, but a body was on top of me.I glance over my shoulder to see a blue mask with black 'tears.' I felt fear crawl into me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

 The person tilted his head.

"Do you really not remember what happened a day ago? Jesus!" I heard him say.

 I sat there, pinned to the ground with this person sitting on my back. What happened yesterday?..I shuddered as memories came flooding back. My parents used me as bait, Darren's corpse, the janitor, Eyeless Jack killing them and being a murderer. I whimpered and then suddenly started thrashing at him.


Eyeless Jack just flipped me over and held my hands above my head.

"Shut. Up. I'm not going to eat your organs. I've decided to keep you as my pet, no, slave. If you disobey me, I will kill you without hesitation." He whispered closely. 

 I sat there glaring at him.

"I don't want to be a slave!" I protested. 

Eyeless Jack held up his scalpel.

"Want to reconsider that statement with something else?" 

I nodded and started singing a lyric from Hollywood Undead at the top of my lungs.


"What the hell are you talking about?!" Eyeless Jack asked, bewildered. 

I kept repeating that lyric until Eyeless Jack raised his hand and slapped me across the face.

"Ow!" I said. I held my hand to my cheek, "What was that for?"

 Eyeless Jack just shrugged.

"I thought you lost your mind for a second." 

I huffed at him and pouted where I sat. 

"Your name's Haven, right?" He asked gently.

 I nodded my head yes.

 "Ok. Well, since you'll be living here from now on, I need to know a few things." 

I narrowed a my eyes at his hooded figure.


"What kind of food do you like? What size of clothes do you wear? What type of toothpaste do you use? What type of soap and shampoo do you need? What about deodorant? What kind of books do you like? Do you need anything from your old house, like technology wise? What is your shoe size? Do you like writing, drawing, and music?" 

I flew back at the amount of questions he asked me. How was I supposed to answer all of those at once?

"Um.." I started. 

I stared blankly at him.


"I'll just take you shopping with me. Later on tonight we'll go to the mall. Although, if you dare tell anyone, or try to escape from me, I will torture you until I decide to kill you."

 I gulped at his harshness as he walked down a hallway. I watched him choose a door with a blue doorknob and close it. That must his room. Oh Haven, what have you gotten yourself into? You're living with a cannibal name Eyeless Jack, and you're his slave. Good job you nit wit.  

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