"The moon goddess helped me out, the only thing she took from me were some of my additional powers. I think it was a fair trade." I replied after taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Ah your powers, wish she would have taken that heated hand fire thing you did in the elevator. That wasn't pleasant, what else can you do?" he asked and I was a little perplexed why he seemed so comfortable to just keep asking me questions. I knew he was a prince but he had drugged a member of the royal family and broke into my new apartment and now he was sitting here like we were long lost friends.

"That's for me to know and me only. Now why don't you go back to your own place and leave me alone." I shot back and he looked like a sad puppy.

"I was enjoying your company, I don't meet many people who are this relaxed around me. Probably because you're more lethal than I am but still it's nice, refreshing even." He replied and made no move to leave. I sighed and left the kitchen and made my way to my big cozy sectional and he followed and I rolled my eyes I guess he wasn't planning on leaving yet.

"So is it true you found your mate?" he asked and I couldn't help but laugh which was totally the wrong reaction to the entire situation but I couldn't help it after everything that had happened the question seemed absurd.

"Yes, and I killed him." I said and stared in right in the eye and if his face could get any paler it did.

"You killed your own mate?" he asked shocked and appalled.

"It's a really long story and I'm really tired so if you could leave that would be awesome."

"For now I will bid you good night, but as I now consider you a friend we shall see each other again Princess."

"Friends don't drug friends and break into their apartment, good night Cian." I said sarcastically and before I could blink he was gone. As strange as it seemed I saw he and I becoming good friends, his honesty and openness drew me to him like a moth to a flame. Yet part of me couldn't help but feel concerned that I even wanted to be friends with someone who would drug me without a second thought.

As I was exiting my apartment in the morning I found Cian leaning against the wall across the hall with a smile on his face and two to-go coffee cups in his hands.

"Please tell me one of those is for me as part 1 of your apology for yesterday?" I said and raised my eyebrow in question.

"Of course princess, I got you a latte with an extra shot with a little bit a sugar hope I guessed right?" he responded and held out one of the cups.

"More of an iced caramel macchiato girl, but latte's are a close second.

"I should have known by your age." he said and rolled his eyes and I smacked him in the arm and took the drink and headed for the elevator, he easily kept up with my pace.

"So where are we headed princess?"

"Stop calling me princess and we are not going anywhere. I don't know what your plans are for today but mine do not include you." I said as I pressed the button for the lobby.

"Are you always this feisty in the morning?" he asked and I groaned, he was kind of infuriating but I couldn't find it in myself to tell him to get lost. I walked outside and got into my awaiting town car and he took the hint and did a small bow and walked down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I headed off to NYU to get my classes and books in order. An hour after I had arrived at NYU I was finally ready to head home when my cell phone started ringing. I looked down and saw it was my dad, I groaned but knew better than to continue to ignore his calls another day.

"hello dad." I answered with a sigh.

'So glad you could finally answer my calls." he snapped back and I cringed.

"I haven't been gone 48 hours and your already being insufferable."

"I just want to know you arrived safely and are doing ok." he conceded.

"I know the guards already informed you I had arrived safely and I am in perfect health." I replied, I didn't want to be difficult but I need my parents to understand that I'm not a kid anymore and I needed to live my life. I had already died once and it had shown me that I wanted more out of life.

"Still wanted to hear your voice, have a good day talk to you soon." he replied and hung up before I could give another snarky comment, he knows me so well. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued my walk down the sidewalk waving to the guard to let him know I would not be taking the car back to my place. I wanted to explore a little bit before heading home.

I had found a pizza place for lunch, if I was going to have pizza what better place than NYC I even let the one guard who was trailing me join me finding the lack of company a little lonely for once. After lunch I kept walking around, even found a few stores where I bought a new few things for my apartment to make it a little more homey. I finally headed home after my 3 hour adventure, walking into the building and giving the doorman a quick smile before heading in towards the elevators. As the elevator door opened I stepped in and pressure the button for my floor as someone else stepped inside with me; I looked up and shook my head in disbelief as I found myself looking into Cian's bright blue eyes.

"Seems like fate Princess."

Kylie's Lullaby...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin