Part 32 - Don't tell anyone...

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This is the final chapter for Book 1

...The rest of the day went smoothly for the gang; Rahul made it up to Muskaan by lunch and all was back to normal between the love birds which made Riddhima happy; they were both her best friends and she hated to see them apart. She had seen their relationship grow from friendship to love and she liked to know that they were happy at all times.

Once their final lesson for the day was over Riddhima said a quick bye to her friends and rushed home as they were given a last minute piece of coursework which was supposed to be handing in the very next Monday and she was highly annoyed that it was thrown onto them at the very end.

No one was able to change her mind to come and hang out with them at Borders; not even Armaan...

...The moment she entered her house she said a quick hi to Padma and got down to work in her room until late when her phone rang making her jump out of her concentration.

"Hello..." she answered her phone without looking at the caller ID; she continued looking down at her paper work.

"Hey Ridzi...I'm just calling to let you know we're going out to dinner tonight and you're coming with us..." Anjali told her.

Riddhima shook her head and looked away from her work; she sat back in her chair; "Sorry Dii...I can't make it tonight..."

"Why not?"

"Don't ask Dii...I told you about this stupid coursework...and the teachers are just not helping...they just handed us another last piece of's due on Monday morning...I have to finish it now..." she rambled on.

"Ridzi you have the weekend to do it...why are you stressing yourself...?" Anjali said to her.

"I know Dii...but you know I hate last minute stuff...I thought I'd get it over and done with today...but thanks for the offer...maybe next time..."

"No...not next put your work away and get ready right now...we'll be there in forty five minutes to pick you up...and that's an order...okay little sister?" Anjali ordered.

"Please Dii...try to understand...I really have to finish this now..." Riddhima tried.

"I'm not listening to anything...we are going to be there soon and you better be ready...okay bye...I'll see you in a bit..." Anjali ended the call without listening to another word.

Riddhima groaned loudly and put her head down onto the desk in front of her...

...Just as promised; an hour later; Anjali, Atul and Armaan were sitting in the Guptas' living room waiting for Riddhima who joined them a few moments later with a frown on her face to which everyone laughed at.

"Sorry little sis...but you need to liven up and stop stressing yourself around this coursework..." Anjali told her giving her a side hug.

" couldn't think of going another day?" Riddhima tried once more.

"Nope..." Anjali smiled popping the "P".

Atul laughed; "Come on Ridzi...let's go..."

They left saying bye to Padma and Shashank; as they settled in the car Riddhima looked over at Armaan who had a sneaky smile on his face and Riddhima knew this was his idea but she thought of getting rid of her annoyance and enjoying herself now that she was out of the house. The car ride was quite fun as they joked and listened to the music on the radio until they arrived at Chaudhary's buffet restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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