Chapter 26 - Fashion Show

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...The Easter holidays had come and gone in a jiffy and before they knew it the gang was back in school and sitting behind those hard wooden desks in the humid exam hall racking their brains for the answers on the question papers. They had spent the entire two weeks of Easter revising for these final exams; some were as usual not really bothered and thought they would just take it as it comes and others were biting their nails through nervousness wondering if they will pass.

The gang had taken their I.T exam first which they found; for some strange reason; very easy. Armaan and Riddhima had sat their two hour math's paper which just seemed ongoing for Armaan and slightly difficult for Riddhima.

They were now sitting in the hall half way through their English Literature exam; both sitting distant from each other, their pens working away on their question papers. Every ten minutes Armaan would look up at the clock, then at the invigilator then back at his paper. When the examiner had called out that there was only five minutes left Armaan scribbled his last few sentences while Riddhima scanned through her paper for the second time making sure she had no spelling mistakes and that she had answered all the questions.

They were told to put their pens down and sit quietly until the papers were collected; as they gathered their belongings and left the hall; the chatter started up. Riddhima waited just outside the hall doors for Armaan to be dismissed along with some other students; he came out and put his arm around her shoulder with a big smile on his face while they walked out into the courtyard.

"What's up?" Riddhima asked him.

"Nothing..." he smiled denting the dimple on his right cheek.

She looked at him closely as they walked together; "Why are you smiling so much?"

Armaan shrugged; "Just...I feel like smiling...problem?"

"No problem...just seems a bit weird that you're smiling so much after an English exam..." she said sitting down on their favourite bench.

"Hmmm...yep...I feel last exam is just chilling...the weather is perfect...I'm sitting here with the love of my life...what more can someone ask for?" he smiled looking up at the sky then to Riddhima.

"Lucky for you..." she sulked slightly.

"'re not happy??"

"How can I be?" she said and he raised an eye brow at her; "...I still have one more exam then the main event..."

"Ridz...don't worry about it..."

"How can I not worry about it you know..." she started but he cut her off.

"Of course I know how important this is for you...the exam is no problem because I know you will pass that...but the main event...I'm here for you...don't think that you're alone...just name it...I'll do anything for you..." he said to her.

Riddhima looked sweetly at him and smiled slightly, she held onto his hand and he gave it a squeeze; "So...tell me...what can I do for you my dearest...?" he asked.

"Umm...just help around to set up...and..." she fumbled.

"And what..."

She looked down and spoke; "Will you model with me?"

"You were hesitating to ask me that?" he asked to which she looked up at him; "...Of course I will model with you...this is such a big event for you...your very first fashion show...I'll do anything to make this special for you..."

Riddhima smiled widely and hugged him round the middle making him smile at her innocence. This was the first time that she had been given the opportunity to organise the school's charity fashion show; she had always helped the older girls while they had organised the show since she was in year eight, and now being a 6th former she was given the permission to arrange this year's show. She was also at a slight advantage as she was the only one who had finished making her outfit; three weeks before the deadline.

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